Poor Rep. Jeff Fortenberry is spending a lot of time lately in his trusty 1963 Ford F-100 pickup truck, which appears to be his Fortress of Solitude when things are dire.
In October, he posted a ridiculous video recorded in the truck with his wife, Celeste, and dog, Pippin, to announce in a folksy fashion: “We do have something hard to tell you.”
That “something” was the fact that he WAS ABOUT TO BE INDICTED FOR LYING TO THE FBI during an investigation into alleged illegal campaign contributions.
Thus far, Fortenberry and his legal team are having Trump-like success in court trying to defend the charges — that is, none. Nada. Zilch. U.S. District Judge Stanley Blumenfeld Jr. earlier this month denied five — count ‘em, five — Fortenberry motions to get the case tossed.
This week, Fortenberry, his wife and faithful pooch again clambered into the F-100, where Fortenberry recorded another ridiculous video announcing he was seeking another term representing Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District, “in spite of the difficulties of this year.”
Those difficulties do not appear to be going away.
He should keep that truck gassed up.
Join Sen. Ben Nelson on Jan. 20 at the Omaha Press Club as he talks about his new book, “Death of the Senate.”
Nelson is brutally honest in explaining how we lost it and with humor, insight and firsthand details explains what needs to be done to get it back. The Senate today, he says, is one of division and rancor.
The Federal Highway Administration today launched the largest bridge formula program in American history, made possible by the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Nebraska will get $225 million over five years — $45 million in 2022 alone — to repair 1,302 bridges.
SIGN THE PETITION: Ban insurrectionists responsible for the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol from the ballot for violating Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.
Sign up now for the NDP’s Trivia Night! Five rounds of trivia questions ranging from current politics, past politics, Nebraska history and so much more. Grab your team of six, or if you are solo, we will match you with other solo players.
Jan 28, 2022: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. CT. Via Zoom.
Monday, Jan. 10, was the first day to request a vote-by-mail ballot for the May 10 Primary Election.
See how at the NDP Voting Center, which is packed with everything you need to know to vote.
If you want to get our daily compilation of the top news and DNC talking points PLUS our weekly blog, just send an email to kevin@nebraskademocrats.org
Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor to help us help Dems win in 2022 and beyond!
Our series of training for campaigns, led by state Sen. Carol Blood, continues.
The next session is Jan. 29: NDP Candidate Training: NDP Services and All Your Questions Answered
Join us on a Welcome-to-the-Party call!! We cover topics such as voter registration and redistricting. We also will be giving our caucuses and councils the floor to talk about their goals and how you can get involved.
The next call will cover Nebraska’s 2020 legislative session and is Jan. 18. Sign up here.
If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email gina@nebraskademocrats.org.
Get your NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!
There are lots of designs, including some terrific Jomaha/Blue Dot swag!
We leave you this week with a rendering by Drew Sheneman.
–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to: info@nebraskademocrats.org
Jan. 18: Welcome-to-the-Party call
Jan. 28: NDP Trivia Night
Jan. 28-30: State Central Committee meeting
Jan. 29: NDP Candidate Training: NDP Services and All Your Questions Answered
Feb. 22: Re-Elect Joe Nigro for Lancaster Co Public Defender Campaign Kick-Off