GOP gubernatorial candidates Jim Pillen and Charles W. Herbster are circling each other in the ring like two wrestlers waiting to make their move.
Pillen, an NU Regent is now endorsed by outgoing Gov. Pete Ricketts. Herbster has been blessed by former *president Donald Trump, which he wears like a badge of honor.
Both candidates are radical conservatives, but Herbster represents the most horrific side of today’s Republican Party: Fealty to Trump.
As Esquire’s Charles Pierce explains:
The monster is the Republican Party, and the modern conservative movement that is its animating force. If the Republicans are Medusa, the modern conservative movement is her headful of snakes. It is bound and determined to destroy the current constitutional order and replace it with an autocratic plutocracy, because that is its only clear mission now.
It is a party bereft of ideas and driven by a movement that has as its only fuel a reckless, poisonous nihilism. It is a beast to which the Republican Party gave life, and which the institutions of American society and American politics abetted out of denial and fear, leaving the monster to cry out now,
… The former president is the face of the monster. He is its avatar. He is its ominous potential. He is a threat sui generis to the constitutional order. He needs to be stopped. He needs to be rendered irrelevant. He needs to be disarmed, defanged, and destroyed as a political force. So far, I don’t see any of us as being up to the job. Love denied has become rage indulged, and the monster is now all unappeased appetite.
Frankenstein is alive and well. And flourishing.
President Biden promised that his administration would focus on recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and rebuilding the economy better than it was before.
Here’s how his administration is doing in Nebraska.
Watch the video marking his first year in office.
Last week, Gov. Ricketts delivered his State of the State address for 2022, which predictably consisted of patting himself on the back for work he didn’t do and repeating partisan talking points straight out of NewsMax.
But I want to hear from the people of Nebraska – what is YOUR state of the state? What issues are most affecting you and your family, and did Gov. Ricketts “forget” to mention them?
Take this quick poll to let us know.
Wednesday marked “I Love Public Schools Day.”
If you have been working in public schools this year and would like a small token of thanks from the Democratic Party, please fill out this form and we will send you a gift.
The federal government’s website for Americans to order at-home rapid Covid-19 testing kits launched this week.
The website says “every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests are completely free. Orders will usually ship in 7-12 days.”
Sign up now for the NDP’s Trivia Night! Five rounds of trivia questions ranging from current politics, past politics, Nebraska history and so much more. Grab your team of six, or if you are solo, we will match you with other solo players.
Jan 28, 2022: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. CT. Via Zoom.
Register to vote, request a vote-by-mail ballot and more about the May 10 Primary Election at the NDP Voting Center.
Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor to help us help Dems win in 2022 and beyond!
Our series of training for campaigns, led by state Sen. Carol Blood, continues.
The next session is Jan. 29: NDP Candidate Training: NDP Services and All Your Questions Answered
Join us on a Welcome-to-the-Party call! We cover topics such as voter registration and redistricting. We also will be giving our caucuses and councils the floor to talk about their goals and how you can get involved.
The next call is Feb. 1. Sign up here.
If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email
The NDP has launched a Mobile Office project designed to help our party better communicate with and serve our communities across the state.
The Mobile Offices will allow us to provide our local parties with a comprehensive and professional kit that can be used for fairs, parades, voter registration drives and more.
They are available to county parties, affiliated caucus and policy councils and other Democratic operatives across the state.
Each Mobile Office contains a canopy tent for outdoor use, including a parade banner, table, comprehensive collection of literature.
Fill out the NDP Mobile Office request form!
Volunteer with us!
Fill out this form and we will help you find an area that fits your talents and time. We need volunteers for everything from data entry to knocking doors, from proofreading to public speaking. If you have any special skills that you would like to use to build the party, please add that in the comments.
If you want to help, we can put you to work.
Get your NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!
We are adding new designs all the time!
We leave you this week with a rendering by Bill Bramhall.
–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to:
Jan. 28: NDP Trivia Night
Jan. 28-30: State Central Committee meeting
Jan. 29: NDP Candidate Training: NDP Services and All Your Questions Answered
Feb. 1: Welcome-to-the-Party call
Feb. 15: Welcome-to-the-Party call
Feb. 22: Re-Elect Joe Nigro for Lancaster County Public Defender Campaign Kick-Off