Well, well, well. It seems that GOP gubernatorial hopeful Charles Herbster has some hands-on experience that he doesn’t want folks to know about.
According to the Nebraska Examiner, Herbster groped eight women — including GOP state Sen. Julie Slama — at events either as a candidate for governor, a significant Republican donor or a beauty pageant judge.
From the Examiner’s story:
Time after time, Charles Herbster worked the crowds as he attended events, either as a candidate for Nebraska governor, a significant Republican donor or a beauty pageant judge.
He would go up to a group and introduce himself. Often wearing his signature cowboy hat and suit, he would extend a handshake to the men. But when young women reached out for a handshake, as well, on at least several occasions he pulled them into an embrace instead.
Herbster, the CEO of Conklin Co. and now a frontrunner in the 2022 GOP primary race, sometimes went further, according to eight women who spoke with the Nebraska Examiner.
During an event in 2019, for example, Republican State Sen. Julie Slama confirmed that as she walked by Herbster, he reached up her skirt, without her consent, and touched her inappropriately. The incident happened in the middle of a crowded ballroom at the Douglas County Republican Party’s annual Elephant Remembers dinner.
Reprehensible and abhorrent, if true. But we’ve come to expect that from the GOP, eh?
Congrats to our strong Democratic lawmakers, who recently blocked an abortion bill that would have automatically outlawed abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court ever overturns its 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized the procedure throughout the country.
And kudos to Sens. Justin Wayne and Terrell McKinney for shepherding through legislation that will devote $335 million to recovery efforts in North and South Omaha and other underserved areas of Nebraska.
Sound evidence that we need to elect more Democrats to the Legislature.
NDP Executive Director Precious McKesson wrote a tribute to Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson for being confirmed as the first black female to serve as a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
When I heard Vice President Kamala Harris announce the confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve on our nation’s Supreme Court, I cried tears of joy.
I feel overjoyed and proud for Justice Jackson, for our nation and for the generations of Black girls whose history books will be full of heroes who look like us. Justice Jackson may be the first African-American woman Supreme Court Justice, but she will not be the last.
To honor Justice Jackson’s lifetime of work and major accomplishment, we need to continue to set the stage for progress.
Nebraska’s county election commissioners have started sending out Vote-by-Mail ballots for the May 10 primary!
Make sure you fill yours out and mail it in.
Also, in-person early voting at county election commissioner offices has started.
Join the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for a series of CD2 Volunteer Leader Training workshops! We will learn the fundamentals of how to become a volunteer leader, conduct in-person voter registration activities, and the best practices of our Direct Voter Contact operations as part of our organizing plan for NE-02.
The NDP, Douglas County Democrats and Sarpy County Democrats are helping sponsor the events.
The next session is May 3. Sign up here.
Does somebody in your household still need a vote-by-mail application?
Register to vote and more at the NDP at the NDP Voting Center.
If you want to keep up on NDP happenings and get our weekly blog as well as our daily News Clips and Talking Points, just send an email to kevin@nebraskademocrats.org
Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor to help us help Dems win in 2022 and beyond! We need your help!
Join us on a Welcome-to-the-Party call!! We cover topics such as voter registration and redistricting.
The next call is April 19. Sign up here.
If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email gina@nebraskademocrats.org.
Sign up for an NDP Phone Bank! We will be calling folks who we sent a Vote-by-Mail Application.
We are also going to call/text folks to return their VBM ballots when it arrives. This will be going on monthly up until election Day (May 10 and November 8).
Get your NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!
There are lots of designs, including some terrific Jomaha/Blue Dot swag!
We leave you this week with a rendering by Drew Sheneman.
–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to: info@nebraskademocrats.org
April 16: Douglas County Democrats Yard-Sign Event
April 16: Candidates for the Culxr: OPS School Board District 2
April 19: North Omaha Town Hall with candidates
April 19: CD2 candidates debate at Omaha Press Club
April 19: Welcome-to-the-Party call
April 19: Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks for Congress Papillion Yard Sign/Post Card/Lit Drop Event
April 19: Weekly Tuesday Phone Bank to register voters in CD2
April 20: Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks for Congress Seward County Yard Sign/Post Card/Lit Drop Event
April 21: Weekly Thursday Phone Bank to register voters in CD2
April 22: Josie Rodriguez for SCC Board fundraiser
April 23: EQUALITY FOR ALL – Nebraska Women’s March-Grand Island
April 30: Lancaster County Patriots Dinner
May 3: CD2 Volunteer Leader Training Workshop
May 7: NDP Phone Bank
May 10: Primary election
June 28: CD1 Special Election