Help is on the way for rural Nebraska thanks to President Joe Biden and Democrats!

Help is on the way for rural Nebraska on many fronts, thanks to President Joe Biden and Democrats!

Biden has released plans to crack down on consolidation in the meat industry. Four companies control 80% of the nation’s beef.

Locally we are seeing results. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is sending federal funding for a group of Nebraskans who are building an independent meatpacking plant in western Nebraska. The team plans to build a new plant called Sustainable Beef to process up to 1,500 cattle a day. Small and medium-sized processing plants like Sustainable Beef will provide competition to the Big Four meat corporations and give a shot at a level playing field for family ranchers.

In addition, Biden’s American Rescue Plan will have a sweeping impact across the state and the Infrastructure and Jobs Act is sending more than $3 billion to the Cornhusker state.

The ARP includes for Nebraska, among other things:

  • $1.2 billion fiscal relief in Nebraska
  • $685 million fiscal relief in local cities and towns across Nebraska
  • More than $564 million in relief for K-12 schools across Nebraska
  • Economic impact payments of up to $1,400 per person for more than 1,205,400 adults and 520,100 children — this is 90% of all adults in the state and 89% of all children in Nebraska
  • Relief of up to $1,600 per child through the Child Tax Credit to the families of 434,00 children, lifting 18,000 children out of poverty
  • Marketplace health insurance premiums that are $2,438 lower per month for a 60-year old couple earning $75,000 per year

The Infrastructure and Jobs Act represents the largest investment in the nation’s public works in a decade.

The Infrastructure and Jobs Act includes for Nebraska, among other things:

  • $2 billion for federal-aid highway programs
  • Marketplace health insurance premiums that are $2,438 lower per month for a 60-year old couple earning $75,000 per year
  • $225 million for bridge replacement
  • $100 million for broadband 
  • $358 million for clean drinking water

And you can thank President Biden and Democrats for getting it done and making sure rural Nebraskans are not left behind. Read more on our Rural Outreach page!

And keep involved with rural issues by joining our Agricultural And Rural Council. To join, simply email Chair Roger Morgan:


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