President Trump has said the Democratic-controlled Congress is a “do-nothing” body.
Well, as usual, he’s wrong.
The House, under the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has passed an impressive array of legislation and is looking to pass more.
House Democrats passed $4.5 billion in humanitarian aid to rein in Trump’s cruel border policies.
House Democrats passed the American Dream and Promise Act to provide hardworking immigrants a much deserved pathway to citizenship.
Democrats passed a disaster relief bill.
House Democrats passed the Equality Act to prohibit discrimation based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
House Democrats passed a package of bills to protect people’s access to health care and help make prescription drugs more affordable.
House Democrats passed a bill to restore net neutrality.
House Democrats passed the Climate Action Now Act to take action to protect our climate and create economic opportunities.
House Democrats passed legislation to reauthorize and expand the Violence Against Women Act.
House Democrats passed legislation to require background checks for all gun sales.
House Democrats passed legislation to help close the gender pay gap.
House Democrats passed historic anti-corruption reform and provisions to strengthen our election systems.