Fall Meeting and Training in Omaha

The Nebraska Democratic Party (NDP) looks forward to seeing State Executive Committee (SEC) and State Central Committee (SCC) members along with grassroots Democrats at our Fall Meeting in Omaha on Nov. 10-11 and our full-day training on Nov. 12, 2017!

Register Online: http://tinyurl.com/NebDemTrain
View Agenda: http://tinyurl.com/NebDemNovMtg

All Democrats are invited to attend the meetings and trainings, but you must register online. Only SCC members can register onsite.

We encourage all Democrats to attend so you can learn how to be involved in party operations and campaigns.

At our quarterly meetings, the NDP conducts party business, issue and constituency-based Caucus meet to plan events and we gather to further the goals of the party.

The Fall Meeting includes a full-day training on Nov. 12 with three tracks for Candidates, Campaign Managers,  and Grassroots Leaders.

Schedule At-A-Glance:

  • Nov. 10: Featured Caucus–Women’s Caucus Meeting and Dinner
    Love’s Jazz and Art Center, 2510 North 24th Street, Omaha
    5:30-8:30pm, dinner catered by Omaha Rockets Kanteen
  • Nov. 11: Caucus, Congressional District and SCC Meetings
    Mammel Hall on UNO Campus, 6708 Pine Street, Omaha
  • Nov. 12: Blue Bench Training
    Mammel Hall on UNO Campus, 6708 Pine Street, Omaha

Register Online: http://tinyurl.com/NebDemTrain
View Agenda: http://tinyurl.com/NebDemNovMtg

#NebDemsCare Donations: If you plan on attending our Fall meeting or Blue Bench training, please consider bringing a donation of food or winter clothing for hurricane survivors and note cards for veterans.

We are collecting packages of blank notecards and “anything Husker” for the Veterans home in Bellevue in honor of Veterans Day. Veterans like to send notes to their loved ones, so please consider purchasing a pack of notecards and bringing them to the meeting. The Veterans Home uses Husker gear for prizes at various games they hold, so that is another idea for donations. Thank you Bryon Line, Chair of the NDP Veteran’s Caucus, for identifying a need to fill for our veterans.

Additionally, we are collecting items for families as they recover from hurricanes. Liberty Tax Services in Omaha is collecting non-perishable food for survivors of hurricanes as well as winter gloves, scarves and hats for families from Puerto Rico moving to Nebraska. We are also sending D batteries, tarps and lanterns to Puerto Rico. Thank you to NDP Latino Caucus Chair Marta Nieves and Latinx Caucus Board Member Dulce Sherman for helping us identify local resources.

Each meeting we collect items for a critical issue to show Democrats live our values–in the past we made Welcome Baskets for refugees and collected toiletries for the Indian Center in Chadron. As we like to say as we live our values and stand up with allies in the streets, #NebDemsCare.

If you have questions about any of the events, please email ryan@nebraskademocrats.org.

For SCC Members:

Rules Chair Pam Hopkins and Resolutions Chair Jennie Lynn Butler will post any possible by-law changes and resolutions the body will consider at the Fall Meeting to the listserves and posted 10 days before the meeting (by Nov. 1, 2017).

Additionally, if you have a rule change recommendation or a resolution you want to be considered, it must be emailed to Ryan Krumel at the State Party by Oct. 31, 2017 at 5pm CT.

All SCC Members and County Chairs are mailed a 30-day packet with a detailed agenda and other information from Chair Kleeb.

Help us fill vacancies on the SCC and Committees. See the listings here.

If you did not get your 30-Day packet or have a rules change or resolution submission, please email ryan@nebraskademocrats.org.

2017 SCC Meeting Minutes and Attendance 

Omaha Meeting Information and Agenda

September Phone SCC Meeting: Minutes and Attendance List

Chadron Summer Meeting: Minutes and Attendance List

Lincoln Spring Meeting: Minutes and Attendance List

NDP Archived Resolutions

NDP ByLaws

NDP Platform

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