Lame duck Gov. Pete Ricketts is yammering about defunding the FBI and has joined the gaggle of Republican Maga extremists pounding the table in outrage that the U.S. Justice Department would have the temerity to raid former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in search of top-secret documents he allegedly took from the White House.
He mentioned defunding the FBI earlier this week and suggested that Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray “need to resign” if the case isn’t “pretty serious.”
Well guess what, Pete? It is.
We’ll let the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin add some clarity.
A defeated former president who was at the center of a failed coup allegedly walks out the door with nuclear secrets, refuses to give them back and then leaves a creepy, semi-threatening message for the attorney general — that’s apparently where we are. Donald Trump and his apologists are as dangerous to our national security as spies and traitors who would spirit away our most closely held secrets.
Even more stunning, just before Attorney General Merrick Garland’s public announcement regarding the search, a close Trump associate reached out to DOJ with a message for Garland. Trump wanted Garland “to know that he had been checking in with people around the country and found them to be enraged by the search,” The New York Times reported.
A threat? A plea? Maybe both, but it certainly reflects Trump’s telltale mix of ignorance, arrogance, lawlessness, narcissism and recklessness.
If the reported facts are true, Trump knowingly took the country’s most sensitive secrets, refused to give them back and, through his lawyer, falsely attested he had no such documents. Whatever his ultimate motive (e.g., selling secrets, showing he’s somehow still in power), no senior civilian official, let alone the president, has ever engaged in such appalling conduct.
And the GOP not only defends him but smears and endangers the FBI through deliberate disinformation. No national party has ever done that, either.
Whatever criminal indictments follow, all but MAGA cultists should acknowledge that neither Trump nor his party is fit to hold office.
President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law Tuesday, which will help lower health-care costs, raise taxes on big corporations, reduce the federal budget deficit and inject a burst of cash to combat climate change.
After the signing, NDP Chair Jane Kleeb hailed the historic bill while continuing to hold the Republicans in Nebraska’s congressional delegation accountable for trying to derail the legislation, despite all it will do to help working families.
“The Inflation Reduction Act will lower costs on everything from prescription drugs to health care to home energy for Nebraska families,” said Chair Kleeb. “While Sens. Fischer and Sasse and Reps. Bacon, Flood and Smith sided with Big Pharma and voted against these cost-cutting measures.”
Watch the DNC ad touting the The Inflation Reduction Act.
Read how the Inflation Reduction Act delivers affordable clean energy for Nebraska.
Join the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and Team Tony on Aug. 28 for a special Sunday canvassing event on August 28th to prepare for the fall get-out-the-vote push.
You can now request to vote by mail for the Nov. 8 election! Fill out this form and we’ll help you get a ballot.
And speaking on the general election, see all of our great Democratic candidates!
If you want to keep up on NDP happenings and get our weekly blog as well as our daily News Clips and Talking Points, just send an email to
It’s county fair, festival and parade season, and the NDP has launched a Mobile Office project designed to help our party better communicate with and serve our communities across the state.
The Mobile Offices will allow us to provide our local parties with a comprehensive and professional kit that can be used for fairs, parades, voter registration drives and more.
They are available to county parties, affiliated caucus and policy councils and other Democratic operatives across the state.
Each Mobile Office contains a canopy tent for outdoor use, parade banner, table, comprehensive collection of literature, a wide range of basic tabling items, first aid kit and optional display components upon request.
Fill out the NDP Mobile Office request form!
See our Rural Outreach page.
The NDP Coordinated Campaign is hiring Organizers to work in the Second Congressional District area (Douglas, Saunders, part of Sarpy).
Please send your resume and cover letter to #NebDems

Join Senator Carol Blood on Aug. 30 for another great NPD training! Subject: Measure What We Treasure; How we can use certain metrics and data to better reach voters and budget campaign expenses.
Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor to help us help Dems win in 2022 and beyond! We need your help!
Join us on a Welcome-to-the-Party call!! We cover topics such as voter registration and redistricting.
The next call is Aug. 23. Sign up here.
If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email
Sign up to join our Block Captain program! You get assigned 50 voters in your neighborhood to reach out to. We provide the training and materials. You provide about 2 hours in September and 2 hours in October to help elect Dems!
Sign up here for an NDP Block Captain Training!
The Nebraska Democratic Party is committed to representing and serving the best interests of our rural communities across the state. Rural Outreach means helping Nebraskans living in rural communities by engaging and supporting the community through our state and county parties. Part of our mission is to provide the information and tools necessary to keep our towns and villages growing, sustainable, self-sufficient, and vibrant.
Get your NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store! There are lots of designs from which to choose.
We leave you this week with a rendering by Bill Bramhall.

–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to:
See NDP events here.
Aug. 20: March with Blood for Governor At The Arrows to Aerospace Parade
Aug, 20: March with Patty Pansing Brooks at the Arrows to Aerospace Parade
Aug. 21: Sunday Sangria with Sarah
Aug. 23: Weekly Tuesday Phone Bank
Aug. 23: Welcome to the Party call
Aug. 28: Team Vargas/DCCC Day of Action
Aug. 30: Weekly Tuesday Phone Bank
Aug. 30: NDP Campaign Training with Sen. Carol Blood
Oct 14: Morrison Exon Event
Sept. 6: Danielle Helzer for State Board of Education Kickoff
Sept. 22: NDP Block Captain Training
Nov. 8: General Election