February 2, 2025
Contact: José Flores, Jr., Communications Director
***Nebraska Democratic Party News Press Release for 2-2-2025***
Nebraska Democratic Party Statement on NDP Chair Jane Kleeb Elected as the Next ASDC President
LINCOLN, NE – The Nebraska Democratic Party Executive Director Precious McKesson issues the following statement regarding NDP Chair Jane Kleeb being elected by Association of State Democratic Committees leadership to be the next ASDC president:
“A moment ago, the Association of State Democratic Committees leadership from across the county elected our very own, Chair Jane Kleeb, as the next president of the ASDC. We could not be more excited and proud to have a Nebraskan lead the collective group of Democratic state parties, Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Executive Directors nationwide. Her background as an organizer, nonprofit entrepreneur, and state party reformer made her the right fit to lead. Her background as a rural leader will bring kitchen table issues to the forefront. Chair Kleeb will lead as a solution-based and coalition-building ASDC president.
Together with newly elected DNC Chair Ken Martin, we have powerful and compassionate leadership to lead both rural and urban Democrats against extreme policies from the very top down to state legislatures. These are challenging times from attacks on DEI, birthright citizenship, the environment, and enacting tariff wars that will undoubtedly cause more suffering by Americans that will require leadership from DNC Chair Martin and ASDC President Kleeb.
As the Nebraska Democratic Party State Chair and newly elected ASDC President, we congratulate her as a national Democratic leader in ensuring red, blue, and purple states are heard and have a seat at the table.”
NDP Chair and ASDC President Jane Kleeb’s bio here.