We need your help.
Because of the coronavirus and the need for social distancing, campaigns have suspended going door-to-door to reach voters. So the Nebraska Democratic Party is working hand-in-hand with County Parties to help recruit volunteers to make calls to voters encouraging them to support Democrats and VOTE TODAY!
Making calls to voters is easy!
Click here to make calls for Kate Bolz and other Dems in in CD1
Clickhere to make calls for Kara Eastman and other Dems in CD2
Click to make calls for Dem candidates in CD3
We suggest making calls starting at 9 a.m. CT and no later than 8 p.m. CT.
Phone Banks Tips
You can attempt an average of 30 phone calls per hour — reaching about 10 people out of the 30 attempts.
These are tips for all sorts of phone banks. Sometimes we create phone banks to identify supporters, sometimes we create phone banks to know which voters want yard signs and sometimes — like right now — we create phone banks to get folks to vote.
We suggest making calls starting at 9 a.m. CT and no later than 8 p.m. CT.
Shout out to Senators Adam Morfeld and Anna Wishart, along with Sarpy County Chair Ligon, for helping us write these tips.
Before you call:
- Get water and set-up your calling station with things that make you happy (for Sen. Wishart, that means a kitten in her lap — seriously).
- Read through your script three times beforehand — at least once out loud. If you have any questions, reach out to campaign staff.
- Make sure you understand the ask: Are you asking for support, yard signs, donations?
- Read about the candidate or cause and make sure you have some material provided by them to reference.
- Create goals for yourself. How many yard signs or volunteers do you want to recruit?
- Smile like you mean it. No really. Smile even though you will be calling. People on the other side of the line will feel it.
On the call:
- Stay positive. Try standing up, so you have more energy. Smile when you speak.
- Listen 80 percent of the time. Ask people about their lives and take time to get to know them.
- Slow down. Phone conversations require you to speak slower.
- Take good notes. Candidate and causes use your notes when making future connections. Every detail matters.
- Always make the ask to vote!
After the call:
- If someone is rude, brush it off. Think positively about the next call.
- Reward yourself (Sen. Wishart likes to eat M&M’s and Sen. Morfeld cracks open a beer).
Additional Resources and Information
List of our Democratic candidates
Volunteer to help make calls (send this link to friends!)
Read our Block Captain Guide with great volunteer tips
Request a Vote-By-Mail Application
Request a Vote-By-Mail Application in Spanish
Thank You
We want to thank the following County Chairs for working hand and hand with the Nebraska Democratic Party: Buffalo County Chair Kit Alf; Burt County Chair April Goettle; Cass County Chair Marsha Babcock; Fillmore County Chair Magaret Nichols; Gage County Chair Chuck Bentjen; Keith County Chair Ann Klein; Lancaster County Chair Janet Chung; Lincoln County Chair Terry Sigler; Loup County Chair Roger Morgan; Pawnee County Chair Jennifer Stehlik Ladman; Pierce County Chair Paul Theobald; Sarpy County Chair Charlene Ligon; and Washington County Chair Holly Bonasera.
Thanks to state Senators Adam Morfeld and Anna Wishart and Sarpy County Chair Charlene Ligon for the Phone Bank tips which also appear in our Block Captain Guide.
The NDP staff — Jim, Precious, Kevin, Gina and Ron — work around the clock to serve the party and our candidates. We are stronger today because of them.
We are happy to work with any Candidate, County Chair or Caucus to set up Virtual Phone Banks for your voters and community members.
As your State Party Chair, we are working hard every day to build the party and elect Democrats. If you have suggestions on things we should change or places we can do better, please send me an email. I have served in this role since December 2016 and we’ve built a party we can all be proud of–let’s pull together in this moment to show our values of community, persistence, and the will to get things done.
Thank you for being a voter. Thank you for being a volunteer.
-Chair Jane Kleeb