Rural outreach is critical to winning local and statewide elections. We are working hard to reach rural Democrats and know we must do better. We just received a grant from the DNC to expand our successful Block Captain program across the state and open offices in rural communities to help candidates win.
Chair Kleeb, NDP Officers, Congressional District Chairs, and our Chair of Chairs are holding county conventions this year in counties that don’t have active local parties in order to recruit county chairs and engage rural Nebraskans. By holding these conventions we can increase statewide wins and build Democratic momentum in rural areas.
Help us raise $5,000 to show grassroots support for our rural outreach.
One important way to make sure we reach out to all Democratic voters is to have a county chair and local Party in all of our 93 counties. Since Chair Kleeb and Associate Chair LaMere have been in office we have added 27 new chairs in counties that haven’t had an active local Party in recent memory.
The Primary Election showed huge success for Nebraska Democrats. We saw an increase of 18% in Democratic turnout and Republicans saw a decrease of 25% in turnout. Over 600 Democrats are running this year including teachers, veterans, nonprofit leaders, union members and small business owners. In really great news, over 60% of our top of the ticket candidates are women!
Help us raise $5,000 to show grassroots support for our rural outreach.
We are excited for all of the upcoming work to get Democrats elected across Nebraska, with a focus on our rural communities, and with your help we can keep growing the Party.