Another boring week in our nation’s capital — a real yawner — other than that dust-up in which President Trump said he might not leave office if the election doesn’t go his way.
Thanks to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, that conundrum will be avoided, as The New Yorker’s Andy Borowitz dutifully documented.
In order to ease the peaceful transfer of power this coming January, Amazon has offered its Prime delivery service to ship Donald J. Trump out of the White House within twenty-four hours.
Speaking from his corporate headquarters, … Bezos said that he understood why Trump had misgivings about leaving the White House. “Moving is always hard,” Bezos said. “At Amazon, we want to make Donald Trump’s move as speedy as possible.”
Bezos said that, on Inauguration Day, an Amazon Prime delivery truck will arrive at the White House to prepare Trump for shipping, “free of charge.”
After he has been packed, bar-coded, and scanned into the system, Bezos said, Trump will be expedited to the destination of his choice.
“Amazon Prime guarantees that he will be at Mar-a-Lago within twenty-four hours,” Bezos said, adding that it would take slightly longer if the shipping address is in Moscow.
Just 39 days until the election, folks. VOTE!
The NDP has designed Voter Guides showing all of the Democrats running for office in all 93 Nebraska counties so you know who the Dems are in the partisan and nonpartisan races. We also include the ballot initiatives and constitutional amendments.
Just click here to find your county Voter Guide.
New Special Ticket Price: $20.20!
Join us for the Morrison Exon event with Sen. Warren, Rep. Haaland and Cori Bush on Sept. 27 at 6 p.m CT. Lots of Nebraska Dem speakers also.
A donor called us knowing how hard COVID-19 has hit everyone and made a donation to the party so we could offer tickets at the $20.20 rate. These are limited in number, so act fast!
Sign up for our 100,000 Calls Across Nebraska — Oct. 10-18– when we will phone bank voters to turn out the vote for Democrats!
It’s easy! Sign up here!
Candidates: If you want to seek an endorsement from the Latinx Caucus, fill out this form.
If you want to seek an endorsement from the Women’s Caucus, send an email:
Preston Love, longtime community leader and political advocate, has announced he will be the Democratic write-in candidate for U.S. Senate in the Nov. 3 election. Love is endorsed by the Nebraska Democratic Party.
Voters can simply write Love on the write-in line and fill in the oval next to his name under the U.S. Senate portion of their ballot.
Join us at one of our Yard Sign Drive-Thru Parties where we distribute yard signs for Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Harris and our strong Nebraska candidates.
You can simply drive up and we will place the signs you want in your car.
We only have a limited amount left, so with this round of yard signs we ask that when you come to pick up your sign you choose one of these actions:
1. Take a Postcard Packet we have prepared for you to write short notes to voters. The packet includes 30 postcards, labels and a sample message to write. You provide the postcard stamps and mail them!
2. Make a $20 donation for signs.
Oct. 4: Lincoln, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., NDP Office: 3701 O St.
Oct. 4: Omaha, 3 to 5 p.m., IBEW Hall, 13306 Stevens St.
Questions? Email
NOTE: We are no longer distributing yard signs during the week at our Omaha and Lincoln offices.
The NDP has started a series of Welcome-to-the-Party online events geared to new voters. We will answer all your questions about voting and how to get involved. You can type your questions in the chat or ask them live.
Make sure you register to vote and request a Vote-by-Mail ballot at the NDP Voting Center.
Please share the above link with friends and family!
Get your Biden and NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!
We leave you this week with a rendering by Steve Kelley.
–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to:
Sept. 26: SCC Phone Meeting and Continuation of State Convention
Sept. 27: Morrison Exon Annual Event: At Home with Nebraska Democrats
Sept. 28: Block Captain Training: Getting Ready for GOTV and Voter Guides
Sept. 29: Welcome-to-the-Party Call
Sept. 29: First Presidential Debate
Oct. 4: Omaha Biden Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party
Oct. 4: Lincoln Biden YardSign Drive-Thru Party
Oct. 6: Welcome-to-the-Party Call
Oct. 7: Vice-Presidential Debate
Oct. 7: Watch the debate and help Dems!
Oct. 10-18: Phone Bank for Dems:100,000 Calls Across Nebraska
Oct. 15: Second Presidential Debate
Oct. 15: Watch the debate and help Dems!