The outcome of former President Trump’s second impeachment trial has largely been determined after 45 Republican senators voted in support of a resolution declaring it unconstitutional and the impeachment of a private citizen illegal.
The vote boxes in the overwhelming majority of the Senate Republican Conference into supporting Trump’s acquittal on a single article of impeachment before the House managers and Trump’s lawyers have even filed their pre-trial briefs.
The vote caused the New Yorker’s Andy Borowitz, with tongue planted firmly in cheek, to weigh in:
Senate Republicans who opposed impeachment are proposing an alternative: a piece of legislation called “Three Coup Attempts, You’re Out.”
The bill’s sponsor, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, said that the law would send a clear signal to future Presidents that “we will have zero tolerance for coup attempts if they try to do it three times.”
“After the first coup attempt, a President would receive a warning, just as you would if you made an illegal left turn or had a broken tail light,” Paul explained. “After the second coup attempt, the United States Senate will draft a resolution telling you that you’d better not try it a third time.”
Paul was vague when asked what the punishment would be for a third coup attempt, saying, “As in most legislation, the devil is in the details. But the gist of it is, insurrect me once, shame on you; insurrect me twice, shame on me; insurrect me three times, it’s time to have a serious talk about this.”
Congrats to NDP Chair Jane Kleeb for her election as the Vice President of the Midwest Region of state parties.
Jane is the first Chair from Nebraska to be represented on the DNC Executive Committee. Her leadership in the state and nationally is always focused on lifting up all states recognizing whether our states are red, blue or purple, we all have elections we can win with the right resources and the right leadership.
Check out our slate of great Democratic Candidates for the 2021 city elections in Lincoln and Omaha!
And see important voting information and dates at the NDP Voting Center.
The Republicans have launched an attack on our voting process in Nebraska at the Legislature.
As reported by the Omaha World-Herald, state Sen. Julie Slama has introduced bills requiring voters to show ID in order to cast a ballot and another measure to change the way Nebraska allocates its five Electoral College votes — which helped President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris win the White House
“The GOP has tried to pass similar legislation for years, and we — led by our strong Democratic lawmakers and former Independent Sen. Ernie Chambers — have been able to reject those efforts,” said NDP Chair Jane Kleeb. “We plan to do it again.”
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Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor!
Some 550 Democrats ran in races across Nebraska in 2020 and had a 71 percent win rate. Many of the services we offered those candidates were bolstered by our Monthly Donors.
Welcome to the Party calls have resumed! We are excited to cover topics like city elections, voter registration and the Legislature. We also will be giving our caucuses and councils the floor to talk about their goals and how you can get involved.
The next call is Feb. 9.
If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email
Get your Biden and NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!
The store now features some terrific Jomaha swag!
We leave you this week with a rendering by Bill Bramhall.
–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to:
Jan. 31: Block Captain training
Feb. 9: Welcome to the Party call
March 6: State Central Committee phone meeting
March 26: Last day to request a mail-in ballot for the Lincoln and Omaha city primary elections.
April 6: Lincoln and Omaha Primary Elections April 6
April 23: Last day to request an early ballot by mail for the City of Lincoln general election
April 30: Last day to request an early ballot for the City of Omaha general election
May 4: Lincoln General Election
May 11: Omaha General Election