State Central Committee

See information on the next SCC meeting, trainings and adenda here.

The State Central Committee (SCC) is the policy-making body of the Nebraska Democratic Party during the interim between state conventions and is responsible for building and strengthening the NDP.

The SCC promotes the implementation of the party platform and the election of Democratic candidates. The SCC is the ruling authority in the interpretation and defense of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Nebraska Democratic Party.


The State Central Committee consists of all voting members of the State Executive Committee and one man and one woman nominated by the three legislative district caucuses herein provided for and elected by the majority vote of the State Convention before adjournment. Each member shall have only one vote at any meeting of the SCC. In addition, each legislative district caucus shall nominate one man and one woman to be alternate committee members, who will be elected by the majority vote of the State Convention and who shall only be empowered to vote in the absence of the elected SCC member from their district.

Members Entitled to Vote

Preceding the convening of a congressional district caucus, the Secretary of the SCC may certify to the district chair the names of all members and alternates of the State Central Committee residing in the district entitled to representation at such congressional district caucus. The list so certified to the district chair shall determine those persons entitled to vote on any question which may come before such caucus.

Becoming an SCC Member

 SCC members are selected at the state convention every two years. You must be elected at the county level to attend the state convention. Look up your county party to get involved at the local level and ask your county chair when the next meeting is so you can learn when the elections for state convention take place.

Vacancies on the SCC, County Party and Standing Committees

For information, email

SCC Meetings

The SCC meets four times a year. All SCC members and county chairs are mailed a 30-day packet with a detailed agenda and other information from NDP Chair Jane Kleeb. The SCC meetings are open to grassroots Democrats to attend, however, only SCC members can vote on any proposal or items brought before the body. If you are an SCC member and are not on the listserve or did not get a 30-Day packet, please email