Democrats Ready to Protect Children

Reports are again coming in about yet another school shooting and no action from Republican lawmakers. Fischer has proven that she cares more about the NRA’s money than the lives of our children. Ricketts has said that mental health experts should help write meaningful legislation while he was speaking to the NRA. He said this just weeks after vetoing a bill, written by Lt. Governor Candidate Lynne Walz, to give access to mental health services to students.

It is time for Nebraska to elect leaders that care about Nebraska families and the safety of children at school.

Senate Candidate, Jane Raybould released the following statement:
“My heart is with those who lost a loved one today in Texas and all the children and parents forced to wonder if their school, their child will be next. I am tired of Washington’s inaction and inability to pass common sense gun safety measures because they’re beholden to special interests. Enough is enough.”

Governor Candidate, Sen. Bob Krist released the following statement:
“After each of these incidents of gun violence occur in our nation, it becomes more and more difficult to express the right sentiment of love, support and outrage. When serving in the United States Air Force, I witnessed the horror of what a weapon can do. While preserving our right to bear arms, we must do more than just talk.”

Chair Jane Kleeb released the following statement:
“Again, tonight, moms and dad will not hug their child as they come home from school because of the gun violence happening across our country. We know the policy decisions that can help save lives. Get to work for our kids.”

1st Associate Chair Frank LaMere released the following statement:
“Again, we sadly come together as Americans to decry violence and the the senseless murders of our youngest, our best, and our brightest.  Let us be mindful of the mothers and the fathers who are dazed as we speak wondering how they are to say goodbye to their children. Amid the hand wringing and the speeches of the apologists let us here offer prayers for those among us who mourn and prayers of forgiveness for those among us who will not act!  That is how I see it. We should not mourn the loss of our children. They should mourn for us!”


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