As the Biden-Harris Administration on Wednesday announced almost $20 million to expand meat processing capacity and over 275 jobs in Omaha, voters should be reminded that 2nd District Republican Rep. Don Bacon voted against the legislation that made it possible.
“Don Bacon voted against making our meat production and supply chain more reliable while telling 275 Nebraskans to take their job and shove it,” said Chair Jane Kleeb. “We need to send Tony Vargas to Congress to get things done for the people and to be a voice for ranchers and meatpacking workers instead of a mouthpiece for the right-wing which is all Bacon seems to have time for nowadays.”
The funding is part of the the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which Bacon derided as a funding “progressive priorities, including funding abortion providers like Planned Parenthood and pet projects like Pelosi’s subway and Schumer’s bridge.”
The funding delivers on President Biden’s commitments to expand meat and poultry processing capacity, which in turn increases competition, supports producer income, strengthens the food supply chain, and creates jobs and economic opportunities in rural areas.