Statement on the Commander in Chief Forum (9/07/2016)

Yesterday, 5 bipartisan members of the Nebraska’s Veterans for Hillary organization spoke out on why we know Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit and unqualified to serve as our Commander- In – Chief.  We said that Hillary Clinton is the obvious choice to be our next Commander-in-Chief.  Her superb performance at last night’s Commander -in- Chief forum further confirms that judgement.

She understands that using military force can have deadly serious consequences. She does not take lightly the sacrifices that military families make to defend our nation. She has been in the Situation Room when it counts. She listens to our generals and military experts. 
She knows that supporting our veterans is a sacred responsibility. She has substantive plans to reform the VA and guarantee reliable and consistent access to the high-quality health care we’ve earned.
Donald Trump, by contrast, repeatedly shows he lacks the judgment and temperament to serve as Commander in Chief.
He has disrespected our men and women in uniform, belittled war heroes, deceived veterans groups about his charitable giving, called our military ‘a disaster,’ claimed he knows ‘more about ISIS than the generals,’, called for the use of torture, and talked openly about abandoning our NATO alliances.   He disparaged a Gold Star family, praised foreign strongmen like Vladimir Putin, and refused to rule out using nuclear weapons on European soil. 
We can’t trust him with the nuclear codes, to lead the greatest military force in the world, or to care of our veterans.  
The contrast is stark.  The choice is clear. Elect Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States.

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