Bankrupt Brain Trust and more — #NebDems News

If it weren’t so frightening, it would be laughable.

As the Nebraska Examiner recently reported, five conservative state senators called Monday for a legislative investigation into the Nebraska Department of Education three weeks before an election in which concerns about education could motivate Republican turnout.

The senators said one of their staffers found a link in June to a New York University center for culturally responsive education on “Launch Nebraska,” a state Department of Education website built for schools reopening during the pandemic. Two or three clicks into the NYU website, they found a document defending critical race theory and discussing racial justice. The document, however, was never directly accessible on the state’s website.

State Sens. Dave Murman of Glenvil, Steve Erdman of Bayard, Robert Clements of Elmwood, Steve Halloran of Hastings and Myron Dorn of Adams said they want the Legislature’s Education Committee to investigate who shared the link and what else was shared. They also said they want to know who might have promoted a new sex education curriculum.

Who are these guys? Let’s put it this way: If you need a loan from the Legislative Brain Trust, you should know that this vacuous bunch is on the way to bankrupting the joint.

Similar GOP scare tactics have popped up nationwide this election cycle, as extremist MAGA Republicans have put forth (surprise) extremist MAGA candidates for state and local school boards, including in Nebraska — finding boogeymen like critical race theory at every turn in an effort to scare parents into voting for them.

To wit:

Critical race theorists essentially believe that race in America must be viewed through a lens that is conscious of color, not blind to it. Academics have described it as a way of analyzing, explaining and realistically addressing the persistence of racism in economic, social and governmental structures.

Politicians nationally have expanded that definition to include efforts to teach the evils of racism and how to push back against it — what the K-12 world calls anti-racism.

The MAGA crowd wants no part of that history being taught.

That’s why we cannot stress enough the importance of electing Democrats Danielle Helzer and Deborah Neary and Independent Helen Raikes to the State Board of Education and good Dems to the Legislature.


The election on Nov. 8 is a battle for control of our Nebraska Legislature. The Republican candidates have taken an oath to Charles Herbster to make the body more partisan. They are all being funded by Ricketts’ super pacs. There is no independence.

We need to hold and increase our 17 Democratic-held seats in order to fend off the Republican MAGA extremists looking to take control of everything from our public schools to reproductive rights.

Democratic candidates for Legislature will stand up for the people and your rights. #NebDems

  • Dems support fully funding our public schools and support our hardworking teachers.
  • Dems support medical marijuana and increasing the minimum wage.
  • Dems protect property rights from eminent domain for private gain.
  • Dems support expanding voting rights and fair access to elections.

These are the faces who stand with you. Vote early or on Nov. 8:



Last weekend’s inaugural Kerrey Nelson Gala was a huge success. We hope to see everybody next year!

See the award winners here.


Early Voting in person for the Nov. 8 Election has started at county election offices! Find yours here and see our Voter Guides showing the Dems running in each of Nebraska’s 93 counties!

You can use your Voter Guide as you fill out your Vote-by-Mail ballot, bring your Voter Guide with you if you are voting early in-person at your county election office or take it with you if you plan on voting in-person on Nov. 8 at your local polling location.

If you have any questions, email


Our series of training for campaigns, led by state Sen. Carol Blood, continues.

The next session is Oct. 30: The End of the Road; How to handle winding down your campaign before and after the election (win or lose).


The NDP has launched a “Flip that Bacon” website to target Rep. Don Bacon’s 2nd District congressional seat this year.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has CD2 as one of its 22 competitive House districts that are either open or held by Republicans.

Click here to go to the Flip that Bacon site.

At the bottom of the home page is a timeline slider listing Bacon’s gaffes and horrible votes and positions during his time in office.

Also, click here to download and share Flip that Bacon graphics on social media!


The Nebraska Democratic Party’s Coordinated Campaign and several candidates are looking for canvassers to go door-to-door to distribute literature and talk to voters.

The jobs pay $25 an hour. Training for the position is paid at the hourly rate.

Hours are flexible.

Please fill out this form and someone with our team will be in touch. Please spread the word with others you may think want to be paid $25 an hour to canvass for Democrats!

Any questions? Email


The NDP collaborated with graphic artist Justin Kemerling for a new five freedoms poster series. These will only be available at in-person fundraisers around the state.

Right to Reproductive Freedom.

Right to the Future.

Right to Knowledge.

Right to Vote.

Right to Safety


Request to vote by mail for the Nov. 8 election!

Click here.


Oct. 21 is the deadline to mail your voter registration form or to complete the form online.

Oct. 28 is the last day to register to vote in person at your local election office.


And speaking of the general election, see all of our great Democratic candidates!



If you want to keep up on NDP happenings and get our weekly blog as well as our daily News Clips and Talking Points, just send an email to


Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor to help us help Dems win in 2022 and beyond! We need your help!


Join us on a Welcome-to-the-Party call!! We cover topics such as voter registration and redistricting.

The next call is Oct. 25 Sign up here.

If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email


Sign up to join our Block Captain program! You get assigned 50 voters in your neighborhood to reach out to. We provide the training and materials. You provide about 2 hours in September and 2 hours in October to help elect Dems!

Sign up here for an NDP Block Captain Training!


Get your NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store! There are lots of designs from which to choose.


We leave you this week with a rendering by Mike Luckovich.

–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director

NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to:


See NDP events here.


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