Pillen Platitudes and more –#NebDems News

Hog farmer Jim Pillen makes a living raising “the other white meat,” but he’s trying to win the GOP gubernatorial nomination by throwing red-meat political platitudes to his radical right-wing base.

His most recent TV ad is well, awful — and flirts with impropriety.

It starts with him, shotgun slung over his shoulder, standing in front of an outdoorsy fake background and sneering “I’m sick of Washington.”

He conveniently fails to mention the $331,678 in federal subsidies his Pillen Family Farms received in 2020 alone and the federal pandemic loans totaling $7.8 million his business got. And as a University of Nebraska regent, Pillen no doubt knows that the NU system got $86 million in COVID relief under President Biden’s American Rescue Plan.

“They don’t have a clue on COVID. “They want to shut us down, pay people not to work and mandate government control of everything.

… And Faucci? Don’t get me started.”

Last time we checked, Pillen has a degree in veterinary medicine from Kansas State (which qualifies him to treat hogs and other critters, but not humans), but implies that he knows more about the pandemic than Fauci, who graduated No. 1 in his class with a medical degree from Cornell (which qualifies him to treat human beings, but not hogs), and is the immunologist serving as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the chief medical advisor to the president.

At that point in the ad, Pillen lowers the shotgun from his shoulder and “racks” a shell into the chamber while promising to defend us from the federal government.

Pillen is wearing a hunting vest, but the message and imagery is scary — and irresponsible.


Help is on the way for rural Nebraska on many fronts, thanks to President Joe Biden and Democrats!

Biden has released plans to crack down on consolidation in the meat industry. Four companies control 80% of the nation’s beef. And U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is helping get federal funding for a group of Nebraskans who want to build an independent meatpacking plant in western Nebraska.

In addition, Biden’s American Rescue Plan will have a sweeping impact across the state and the Infrastructure and Jobs Act is sending more than $3 billion to the Cornhusker state.



Register to vote, request a vote-by-mail ballot and learn more about the May 10 Primary Election at the NDP Voting Center.


If you want to get our daily compilation of the top news and DNC talking points PLUS our weekly blog, just send an email to kevin@nebraskademocrats.org


The federal government’s website for Americans to order at-home rapid Covid-19 testing kits has launched.

The website says “every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests are completely free. Orders will usually ship in 7-12 days.”

Order yours here.


Sign up now for the NDP’s Trivia Night! Questions ranging from current politics, past politics, Nebraska history and so much more. Grab your team of six, or if you are solo, we will match you with other solo players.

Jan 28, 2022: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. CT. Via Zoom.


Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor to help us help Dems win in 2022 and beyond!


Our series of training for campaigns, led by state Sen. Carol Blood, continues.

The next session is tomorrow, Jan. 29: NDP Candidate Training: NDP Services and All Your Questions Answered


Join us on a Welcome-to-the-Party call!! We cover topics such as voter registration and redistricting.

The next call is Feb. 1. Sign up here.

If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email gina@nebraskademocrats.org.


The NDP has launched a Mobile Office project designed to help our party better communicate with and serve our communities across the state.

The Mobile Offices will allow us to provide our local parties with a comprehensive and professional kit that can be used for fairs, parades, voter registration drives and more.

They are available to county parties, affiliated caucus and policy councils and other Democratic operatives across the state.

Each Mobile Office contains a canopy tent for outdoor use, parade banner, table, comprehensive collection of literature, a wide range of basic tabling items, first aid kit and optional display components upon request.

Fill out the NDP Mobile Office request form!

See our Rural Outreach page.


Get your NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!

There are lots of designs, including some terrific Jomaha/Blue Dot swag!


We leave you this week with a rendering by Bill Bramhall.

–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director

NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to: info@nebraskademocrats.org



Jan. 28: NDP Trivia Night

Jan. 28-30: State Central Committee meeting

Jan. 29: 15th Annual State of North Omaha and African-Americans

Jan. 29: NDP Candidate Training: NDP Services and All Your Questions Answered

Feb. 1: Welcome-to-the-Party call

Feb. 1: Build the House – Nebraska Weekly Tuesday Phone Bank

Feb. 3: Build the House – Nebraska Weekly Thursday Phone Bank

Feb. 15: Welcome-to-the-Party call

Feb. 22: Re-Elect Joe Nigro for Lancaster Co Public Defender Campaign Kick-Off

March 9: Leadership Lincoln candidate forum with those running for Nebraska Legislature in Lancaster County.

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