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Scottsbluff: Biden/Harris Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party

Tháng chín 19, 2020 @ 10:00 sáng - 2:00 chiều MDT

The Scotts Bluff County Democrats and Nebraska Democratic Party will be hosting a yard sign drive-thru party to distribute yard signs for Vice President Biden. You can simply drive up and we will place the signs in your car. The drive-thru part of the event is meant to keep you safe during COVID.

We welcome donations for the yard signs.

Location: Frank Park, https://bit.ly/3m43ild

Voters can also complete a vote-by-mail and register to vote.

Chi tiết

Tháng chín 19, 2020
Thời gian:
10:00 sáng - 2:00 chiều MDT
Danh mục Biến cố:

Hội họp

Frank Park, Scottsbluff