Block Captain Key Dates and Data

Hello NDP Block Captains,

There are only a few weeks left until the data from your first canvass needs to be entered.

If you need VAN access to enter data (this is one option), please let Ron,, or Emma,, know so we can get the data entered and show how much progress we have made!

The other option to enter your data from your canvass is our Block Captain Google Form. Complete the Google Form by Primary Election Day (May 15):

We designed a Block Captain flyer that discusses the project and lists the training dates and canvass schedule. We hope you can share this with other Democrats to help us hit our goal of 1,000 Block Captains across our state: or online here:

Training Video Reminders: We post all of our trainings on Facebook Live so you can watch them from home while it’s happening, or later at a more convenient time. We are also available for local trainings in your community.  Email Ron Rivera at to set up an in-person Block Captain training in your area.

First Block Captain Training:

Script Role Playing Training:

VAN Training:

Let Ron know at, about any questions that come up.

Thanks again for signing up to be a Block Captain. With your help, the Blue Wave can hit NE!

You can put all of the next trainings in your calendar now! 

Nebraska Block Captain Training and Canvass Schedule:

Block Captain Training: Effective Door to Door Canvassing:
July 14th 2-4pm
Online via Facebook Live and NDP office, 201 N 8th St., # 210, Lincoln, NE, 68508
Facebook RSVP

2nd Block Captain Canvass: Talking About Critical Issues with Voters
July and August
Block Captains canvass the 50 houses in their community that are assigned to them during these two months–the Block Captains choose the day and time that is best for them to canvass during these two months.

Block Captain Training: Get Out the Vote
October 6th 2-4pm
Online via Facebook Live and NDP office, 201 N 8th St., # 210, Lincoln, NE, 68508
Facebook RSVP

3rd Block Captain Canvass: Getting Out the Vote for Democrats
October and November
Block Captains canvass the 50 houses in their community that are assigned to them during these two months–the Block Captains choose the day and time that is best for them to canvass during these two months.

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