2022 Starts Now!
Don Bacon does not represent Nebraska’s Second Congressional District well. From voting “hell yes” when Nebraskan’s healthcare was at stake to refusing to support the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. This Bacon is fake. Don Bacon is not here to solve problems and serve as a moderate voice and his constituents deserve better and it’s time to Flip That Bacon in 2022.
The Nebraska Democratic Party is thrilled to announce the start of our “Flip that Bacon” campaign. Over the next few months and into the 2022 cycle, we’ll be exposing Don Bacon for his failure to lead and we’ll be organizing supporters like you to make sure this term is his last.
We encourage you to download the graphics from this toolkit and use our sample copy as inspiration to share to your social media networks. It’s all hands on deck — we need you to help us “Flip that Bacon” in 2022.
You can download all the graphics from our google drive folder or use directions below.
Please share our site, FlipThatBacon.com as you post on social media so we can recruit more great organizers like you!
Questions about our campaign or want to join the coalition?
- Reach out to info@nebraskademocrats.org
General GIFs
Have fun with the GIFs below! Share them on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with a caption detailing why you’re ready to “Flip that Bacon.”
To share, pick out your favorite graphic (or two!) from our Google Drive Folder and save it to your computer. Then upload to your desired social media platform and share away!
➡️ Download our full set of graphics here for Flip That Bacon.
Facebook & Instagram
Below are some graphics and sample copy for you to share with your coalition partners and allies. Feel free to customize your language and let your followers know why it’s time to “Flip that Bacon!”
To share, pick out your favorite graphic (or two!) from our Google Drive Folder and save it to your computer. Then upload to your desired social media platform and share away!
It’s Time
The Second Congressional District is a toss-up. We can fire Don Bacon next year – and if we work together, we will.
Don Bacon has had a chance to do his job. He failed. Join us, and we’ll Flip That Bacon.
Hell yes
“I’m changing my vote, from ‘yes’ to ‘hell yes.'” Nine short words that could have cost some Nebraskans everything. Show Don Bacon we haven’t forgotten.
Take away our health care? Hell no.
Flip the 2nd district? Hell yes.
Against us
For the last four and a half years, Don Bacon has broken his promises and forgotten where he came from. Next year, we’re going to remind him.
Don Bacon loves nothing more than the party line, even when it hurts Nebraskans at home. It’s time to Flip That Bacon.
➡️ Download our full set of graphics here for Flip That Bacon.
Below are some graphics and sample copy for you to share with your coalition partners and allies. Feel free to customize your language and let your followers know why it’s time to “Flip that Bacon!”
To share, pick out your favorite graphic (or two!) from our Google Drive Folder and save it to your computer. Then upload to your desired social media platform and share away!
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Hell Yes
“I’m changing my vote, from ‘yes’ to ‘hell yes.” Nine short words that could have cost some Nebraskans everything. Show Don Bacon we haven’t forgotten.
Take away our health care? Hell no.
Flip the 2nd district? Hell yes.
It’s Time
The Second Congressional District is a toss-up. We can fire Don Bacon next year – and if we work together, we will.
Don Bacon has had a chance to do his job. He failed. Join us, and we’ll Flip That Bacon.
Against Us
For the last four and a half years, Don Bacon has broken his promises and forgotten where he came from. Next year, we’re going to remind him.
Don Bacon loves nothing more than the party line, even when it hurts Nebraskans at home. It’s time to Flip That Bacon.
➡️ Download our full set of graphics here for Flip That Bacon.