We have become accustomed to Republicans saying and doing stupid things. It’s how they roll.
But Nebraska state Sen. Bruce Bostelman, a conservative Republican from Brainard, set a new low standard this week for absolute absurdity during floor debate on a bill intended to help school children who have behavioral problems.
Bostelman initially said he was “shocked” when he heard stories that children were dressing as cats and dogs while at school, with claims that schools were accommodating them with litter boxes.
“They meow and they bark and they interact with their teachers in this fashion,” Bostelman said. “And now schools are wanting to put litter boxes in the schools for these children to use. How is this sanitary?”
Sen. Steve Halloran said he had also heard it was a problem at Adams Central schools in his district.
Bostelman had said that he planned to discuss the issue with the CEO of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.
Watch his comments here.
After being roundly mocked on social media for believing that the believing that the internet Q-Anon rumor was true, he retracted his comments and apologized.
Republican Jeff Fortenberry officially resigned his 1st Congressional District seat on Thursday, which came on the heels of his conviction on three felony counts of lying to FBI agents during an investigation into illegal campaign donations.
Gov. Pete Ricketts set June 28 as the date for a special CD1 election to select someone to fill Fortenberry’s term until January.
NDP Chair Jane Keeb told the Nebraska Examiner that who the Democrats choose to run will be left to the party’s 25-member executive committee, which will likely meet in a week or two. Kleeb said she assumes that both state Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks and Jazari Kual Zakaria — who are seeking the nomination in the May 10 primary, will want to be considered for the special election.
Join the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for a series of CD2 Volunteer Leader Training workshops! We will learn the fundamentals of how to become a volunteer leader, conduct in-person voter registration activities, and the best practices of our Direct Voter Contact operations as part of our organizing plan for NE-02.
The NDP, Douglas County Democrats and Sarpy County Democrats are helping sponsor the events.
The first session is April 5. Sign up here.
Does somebody in your household still need a vote-by-mail application?
Our series of candidate trainings led by Sen. Carol Blood continues. Sign up below for the next session, on April 4: Lessons learned on the campaign trail
Register to vote and more at the NDP at the NDP Voting Center.
Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor to help us help Dems win in 2022 and beyond! We need your help!
Join us on a Welcome-to-the-Party call!! We cover topics such as voter registration and redistricting.
The next call is April 12. Sign up here.
If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email gina@nebraskademocrats.org.
Sign up for an NDP Phone Bank! We will be calling folks who we sent a Vote-by-Mail application.
We are also going to call/text folks to return their VBM ballots when it arrives. This will be going on monthly up until election Day (May 10 and November 8).
Get your NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!
There are lots of designs, including some terrific Jomaha/Blue Dot swag!
We leave you this week with a rendering by Stuart Carlson.
–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to: info@nebraskademocrats.org
April 1-2 NDP State Convention
April 4: NDP Candidate Training: Sen. Blood talks about lessons learned on the campaign trail
April 5: Coffee and Beers, a special event for Dave Pantos for Douglas County Attorney
April 5: Weekly Tuesday Phone Bank to register voters in CD2
April 7: Weekly Thursday Phone Bank to register voters in CD2
April 9: Patty Pansing Brooks for Congress Dodge County Yard Sign/Post Card/Lit Drop Event
April 10: NDP Phone Bank
April 12: Welcome-to-the-Party call
April 14: 2022 Nebraska Gubernatorial Candidate Forum
April 19: North Omaha Town Hall with candidates
April 19: CD2 candidates debate at Omaha Press Club
April 19: Welcome-to-the-Party call
April 23: EQUALITY FOR ALL – Nebraska Women’s March-Grand Island