Attend the NDP Spring Meeting

The Nebraska Democratic Party (NDP) looks forward to seeing SEC and SCC members along with grassroots Democrats at our Spring Meeting in Lincoln! At our quarterly meetings, the NDP conducts party business, issue and constituency-based Caucus meet to plan events and we gather to further the goals of the party—electing Democrats at all levels in our state.

Register Online for March 17 and March 18 Meetings

Date, Time, Location of Spring Meeting (March 17 + 18)

The Climate Caucus and the Welcome Reception takes place on March 17.

The other Caucuses, Congressional Districts, SEC and SCC meetings take places on March 18.

Full schedule of the events is located on the NDP Facebook page (also pasted below):

  • March 17 Meetings: NDP Office, 201 North 8th Street, #201, Lincoln
  • March 18 Meetings: Lincoln East High School, 1000 South 70th Street, Lincoln

Registration and Meals
You must register to attend the meetings. There is no cost to attend the meetings.

On March 17, appetizers and local beer is sponsored by the Lancaster Democrats for the Welcome Reception.

On March 18, light breakfast of muffins and coffee is sponsored by the NDP and Lancaster Democrats at no cost. You can bring your lunch or if you want to eat lunch that we provide, you must pay $10 in advance. You can choose to pay for a lunch during the registration process.

March 17, 2017 Schedule
All events on March 17 happen at the NDP office, 201 North 8th Street, #201, Lincoln, NE

4pm: Screening of Josh Fox climate documentary “How to Let Go” or “Awake”

5:30pm: Climate Caucus Meeting with special Skype talk with Josh Fox

7-8pm: Welcome Reception for Everyone!

March 18, 2017 Schedule
All events on March 18 happen at Lincoln East High School, 1000 South 70th Street, Lincoln

Check In (get name badge, meeting materials)

Democrats Experiencing Disabilities Caucus
Working Families Caucus
Catholic Caucus
Veterans Caucus
Rules Committee Meeting (1.5 hours)

5 minute break to get to next meeting

Women’s Caucus
County Chairs Meeting
Latino Caucus
LGBT Caucus
Training: How to Pressure Congress

5 minute break to get to next meeting

Nebraska Young Democrats
Black Caucus
Native American Caucus
Platform and Resolutions Committee Meeting
Training: How to Support Immigrant Neighbors

5 minute break to get to next meeting

CD1 Meeting (vacancies for SCC get voted on)
CD2 Meeting ((vacancies for SCC get voted on)
CD3 Meeting (vacancies for SCC get voted on)

5 minute break to get to lunch

Music performance by (insert name)
Open-Mic for announcements, updates, calls to action (will run from 1:15-1:30pm)
Lunch is happening in the same room as the SCC meeting, so you can continue to eat lunch during meeting

State Executive Committee (SEC) Check-In Huddle

State Central Committee Meeting (SCC) / meeting expected to end by 4pm

Questions? Email 

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