December 2018 NDP Meeting

The Nebraska Democratic Party (NDP) and Valley County Democratic Party are excited to see all the SEC and SCC members along with County Chairs, Candidates, Elected Officials and Grassroots Democrats at our Meeting in Ord!

We encourage all Democrats to attend so you can learn how to be involved in party operations and campaigns.

At our quarterly meetings, the NDP conducts party business, issue and constituency-based Caucus meet to plan events and we gather to further the goals of the party.

Purchase a Meal Ticket (We highly recommend as we have a packed agenda)

Share the Facebook Event

Provide Feedback on Presidential Caucus or Primary for 2020

Find the full 30-Day Packet here

Find the 10-Day Agenda here

Hotels: We have block of rooms at a reduced rate at two different hotels.

– Cobblestone Inn/Trotter Event Center

-127 Trotter Ave, Ord, NE 68862

-Block Name: Nebraska Democrats

-Rate: $79.99 per night

-Airport Motel

-1518 North 28th st, Ord, NE 68862

-Call to reserve: 308-728-3649

-Block Name: Nebraska Democratic Party

-Rate: 1 person – $59 + tax — 2 People $65 + tax

Meeting Locations: We have three different locations where we are holding events in Ord. We know this causes confusion at time–but since this is a small town, we did our best to make this as easy to navigate as possible.

-Dec. 7, Caucus Meetings: Central Community College, 1514 K St, Ord, NE

-Dec. 7, Featured Caucus (Rural and Ag) with Supper and Guest Speaker from Scratchtown: Trotter Event Center, 127 Trotter Avenue, Ord, NE

-Dec. 8, Training, CD Meetings and SCC Meeting: The Golden Husk, 129 S 16th St, Ord, NE


Key Information for the December Meeting


At the December meeting, we will elect all the Standing Committee Members, discuss the SCC schedule for 2019-2020 (see the proposed schedule in the packet), vote on the Presidential Primary or Caucus along with Delegation Selection plan procedures, and facilitate a Diversity and Inclusion training. In other words, a very packed agenda.

We know our SCC Members will be tired from the 2018 election season and that we are asking a lot to turn around for a packed meeting — however, as well know we have elections in May 2019 and need to decide on critical aspects for the 2020 cycle.

Fun things to do while in Ord:


Meeting Schedule


Dec. 7: Caucus Meetings


Central Community College, 1514 K St, Ord, NE 68862


Veterans Caucus- North Classroom
Climate Caucus- South Classroom
LGBTQ Caucus- Common Area
Latinx Caucus- Main Conference Room

County Chairs Meeting- Main Conference Room
Native Caucus- North Classroom
Nebraska Young Democrats- Common Area
Interfaith Caucus- South Classroom

Black Caucus- South Classroom
Democrats Experiencing Disabilities Caucus- North Classroom
Working Families Caucus- Common Area
Women’s Caucus- Main Conference Room


Featured Rural and Agriculture: Reception and Supper

-Trotter Event Center, 127 Trotter Avenue, Ord, NE 68862

-You must purchase a meal ticket if you plan on eating supper

-All are welcome at the event

-Yes we will have Scratchtown Beer at the event :) If you don’t know about this craft, family-run local brewery take a look:


Dec. 8: Training, CD and SCC Meetings


The Golden Husk,129 S 16th St, Ord, NE 68862


Check In (get name badge, meeting materials)


Diversity and Inclusion Training (all must attend)

Lunch (pick up boxed lunch and go to CD Meeting)

-You must purchase a meal ticket for breakfast, but if you are staying at Cobblestone breakfast is also included


CD1 Meeting and Committee elections
CD2 Meeting and Committee elections
CD3 Meeting and Committee elections

VOTES–the following will be voted on in each CD Meeting:

-Vacancies for SCC and committee openings get voted on during the CD meetings, see openings here:

-Elect members to Standing Committees


State Central Committee Meeting

-Specific Agenda Items listed in the 30 day packet

Agendas, Minutes and Attendance Listings

Ord Meeting Dec, 2018: Minutes and Attendance-DOCS

Ord Meeting Dec. 2018: Agenda and 30-Day SCC Packet

Teleconference Meeting August 2018:  Minutes

SCC Minutes at Convention in Lincoln June, 23, 2018

2018 Convention Minutes

North Platte Spring Meeting April. 2018: Minutes and Attendance List

North Platte Spring Meeting April. 2018: Agenda and 30-Day SCC Packet

Springfield Winter Meeting Feb. 2018: Minutes and Attendance List

Springfield Winter Meeting Feb. 2018: Agenda and 30-Day SCC Packet

Omaha Fall Meeting Nov. 2017: Minutes and Attendance List

September Phone SCC Meeting 2017: Minutes and Attendance List

Chadron Summer Meeting 2017: Minutes and Attendance List

Lincoln Spring Meeting 2017: Minutes and Attendance List

NDP Archived Resolutions

NDP ByLaws

NDP Platform

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