Donald done and more — #NebDems News

Well, our four-year nightmare that is the Trump Presidency is nearly over.

After days of deliberate, excruciating ballot counting, Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris finally garnered the required 270 electoral votes to secure the White House.

Now another long wait looms — Biden does not take office until Jan. 20.

Of course, Trump will not go quietly. He will tweet and fume and rage and bluster and bully and sue. It’s what he does.

The Trump Presidency was born with a lie, lived by the lie, and will die … lying.

But it’s over. Just like the Nixon presidency, it’s mercifully over.


Nebraska’s Omaha-centric CD-2 is now “JoMaha!”

In part because CD2 gave the Biden-Harris team a precious electoral vote that helped pave the way to a hard-fought victory.

“Nebraskans can stand proud knowing we had a role in … Joe Biden and Kamala Harris hitting 270 electoral votes,” said Nebraska Democratic Chair Jane Kleeb.


In addition to the CD2 Blue Dot win, many Democrats notched victories on Tuesday across the state.

Nebraska broke all recent records for voter turnout with nearly 74 percent of registered voters casting their ballots in-person or by mail.

The Secretary of State’s office said some 935,000 votes were cast — more than 68,000 votes than were cast in 2016.

Hats off to all the Dem candidates, their staffs, our volunteers and others who are committed to building our party.



Kudos to Preston Love, longtime community leader and political advocate, who stepped into the breach to offer himself as a Democratic write-in candidate for U.S. Senate.

Preston, with less than two months to campaign and virtually no money, still managed to garner more than 60,000 votes.

He did it with honor and integrity and made us proud.

Read his statement and message to Sen. Ben Sasse.


Get your Biden and NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!

The first of many #Jomaha shirts are now live and for sale — funds help to elect Dems.

American made shirts. Union printed at local Shirts101. Designed by Justin Kemerling. Get your shirt today. We will post some Nebraska Biden Harris shirts soon, we see the strength of the rest of the state too!.


We leave you this week with a rendering by Vasco Gargalo

–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director

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Jan. 9: SCC phone meeting

Jan. 20: Joe Biden inauguration

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