We start 2019 much like we left 2018, with a goodly number of folks — rightfully — calling out President Trump.
It started with retired four-star Army General Stanley McChrystal — who commanded the Joint Special Operations Command in the mid-2000s and also served as Commander of the International Security Assistance Force and Commander of U.S. Forces in Afghanistan — saying Trump is immoral and does not tell the truth.
“If we want to be governed by someone we wouldn’t do a business deal with because their — their background is so shady, if we’re willing to do that, then that’s in conflict with who I think we are. And so I think it’s necessary at those times to take a stand,” the retired general said.
Then newly elected GOP Sen Mitt Romney of Utah chimed in with an op-ed in the Washington Post that said the president “has not risen to the mantle of the office.”
We save the best for last, that being from former Democratic Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, who said Trump is ‘amoral’ and ‘the worst president we’ve ever had.’
Couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
This gem from CNN’s Ryan Struyk as the new Congress was sworn in Thursday:
Total women in the U.S. House, 1989 compared to 2019:
16 Democrats
13 Republicans
89 Democrats
13 Republicans
Looks like one party is stuck in time.
Thanks to Democratic voters, we now have the most diverse Congress — ever.
“There are record numbers of women … Muslim women will be serving for the first time — including Omar and Rep.-elect Rashida Tlaib of Michigan — as will Native American women, including Reps.-elect Sharice Davids and Deb Haaland. The state of Texas sent the state’s first two Latina members to Congress, and two black congresswomen-elect from New England will also make history by coming to Washington. The historic firsts come from both parties and at least one member — Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio Cortez of New York — will be younger than 30, wrote CNN’s Clare Foran and Phil Mattingly.
As 800,000 federal workers remain on furlough and garbage and feces piles up at U.S. Parks and other places due to Trump’s temper-tantrum over his ridiculous border wall, GOP Reps. Bacon, Sasse and Smith showed servitude to the president by voting Thursday against a plan to reopen the federal government.
Meanwhile, one Washington D.C. watering hole is offering special $5 drinks to furloughed workers who bring their federal employee I.D. Our favorite? The “Mexico Will Pay for This.”
No word yet if any Cabinet Members have taken them up on the offer.
In closing, Nebraska’s newly-elected Secretary of State Bob “Papers Please” Evnen hasn’t even been sworn in yet, but he’s already making overtures that he yearns to follow the ill-fated steps of Kris Kobach, the failed Kansas Secretary of State who was soundly rejected by voters in his bid to become governor.
Evnen, who infamously led the effort to repeal a law passed by the Nebraska Legislature to overturn the state’s death penalty, said he would work on Voter I.D. legislation, to be introduced in the 2020 session.
His plan got the attention of the good folks at Civic Nebraska, who said:
“Having integrity in your voting systems means not constructing expensive and unnecessary barriers to the ballot box that will always, by its very nature, disenfranchise eligible voters.
“Studies show that the turnout gaps between white and ethnic minority voters is far higher in states with voter ID. For comparison, there is a 4.9 percent gap between Latino and white voters in states with no ID requirement, this leaps to 13 percent in Voter ID states like Texas, North Carolina, Georgia and Wisconsin. African Americans rise from 2.9 percent to 5.4 percent, and Asians 6.5 percent to 11.5 percent.
“Nebraska does not need voter ID, an expensive solution in search of non-existing problem. We look forward to working with Secretary Evnen to help him see the light just as his predecessor did.”
Hear, hear!
Hear that Bob?
Jan. 9: First Day of the 2019 Legislative Session
Jan. 19: Women’s March on Lincoln
Jan. 20: Women’s March on Omaha
Jan. 29: State of the Union Address
March 29-31: State Central Committee Meetings and Training in Lincoln (all welcome, agenda posted soon)
April 8: Salute to State Senators (tickets on sale soon)
April 9: City of Lincoln Primary Election
May 7: City of Lincoln General Election
— By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director