The Nelson Gala earlier this month was a huge success! We had an amazing time honoring so many Nebraska Dems and leaders — THANK YOU to everyone who showed up or contributed to our work! See all the pictures on Facebook and if you need flowers this holiday season and are in the Omaha area, please look up one of the signature sponsors of the event, John Fox Designs!
Congratulations again to all the winners honored in this year’s gala for their incredible acts of service, advocacy, and dedication to our communities and Democratic values. Check out the list of winners, sponsors, and small businesses we supported at the bottom of this email.
To all who attended, we are grateful to you for the support that you have all shown towards our party; your solidarity is what makes Nebraska Dems so strong. Your support, your donations, and your vote will win us this election.
Thank you again, and we hope to see you all again next year.
Let’s go big blue,
NDP Officers Kleeb, Love, Ligon, Kaminski, Kessler and Matejka
Nelson Gala Award Winners
Preston Love Jr. Volunteer Award
This award is presented to a tireless volunteer in each Congressional District who personifies the spirit of the Nebraska Democratic Party.
CD1 Winners:
Hannah Wroblewski & Edward T. Ventura

CD2 Winner:
Meghan Rivera

CD3 Winners:
Kay Thomas & Randy Fair

Schimek Quirk County Party Volunteer Award
The Schimek Quirk Award is presented to a county party volunteer who works tirelessly to promote the activities and values of the Democratic Party in their county.
Marthaellen Florence

Carrie Howard Sunshine Award
The Sunshine Award is presented to individuals who are dedicated to improving both the Nebraska Democratic Party and their community as an ally to our Democratic values.
Medical Marijuana Team
- Sen. Adam Morfeld
- Sen. Anna Wishart
- Crista Eggers
- Daniel Gutman
- Trish Petersen

Anne Boyle Young Democrat Award
The Anne Boyle Award is presented to a young person under 35 (using the age criteria of the Young Democrats) for their exceptional volunteer activities and participation within the Nebraska Young Democrats organization and the state party.
Mike Lee

Mike Fahey Block Captain Award
The Mike Fahey award is presented to a Block Captain who goes above and beyond in their canvassing efforts and talking to their neighbors.
Bev White

Brad Ashford State Senator Courage Award
The Brad Ashford Award is presented to a current State Senator who shows conviction, support for our party’s platform, and leadership in the Legislature.
Sen. Wendy DeBoer

State Party Chair Kleeb Award
The State Party Chair Award is presented to a person or group chosen by the NDP Chair.
The late Seth Rich (Jan. 3, 1989 – July 10, 2016). Seth Rich’s mom and dad have accepted the award in his memory.
Frank LaMere Hall of Fame Award.
The Frank LaMere Hall of Fame Award is the highest honor given by the Nebraska Democratic Party. Frank LaMere was the first Native American to serve as a Democratic National Committee member and he founded both the state and national Native American caucuses.
Patty Zieg

Nelson Gala Sponsors and Small Businesses We Supported
- A special thanks to John Fox Design for the Gala’s beautiful flower centerpieces
- Katie Weitz
- Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird
- Hon. Bob Kerrey
- Boozy Babes
- Dreamy Displays
- BCom Solutions
- Ho-Chunk, Inc.
- IBEW Local Union 22
- Lancaster County Democrats
- LiUNA Local Union 1140
- Nebraska State Education Association
- Omaha Education Association
- Omaha Professional Fire Fighters Union
- Round and Round Design, Justin Kemerling and Adam Casey
- Douglas County Democrats
- Lancaster County Democrats
- Sarpy County Democrats
- Sharlette Schwenninger
- Shirts 101
- ActBlue
- Unionist Printing
- Automatic Printing
- Women Who Run
- Frontier Bag Company Inc.
- Sen. John Cavanaugh
- Brian and John Fahey
- BLET Brotherhood Locomotive
- Wildfire Mail