The Democratic National Committee, and State Parties across the country like our own Nebraska Democratic Party (NDP), are working hand and hand to get back to the basics of knocking doors and listening to voters this Summer.
You can help with a donation of $50 or attend a canvass happening every Saturday, meet up locations are posted below.
Too often the Democratic Party knocks doors and engages in actions in communities only a couple of months before an election. We hear grassroots Democrats loud in clear in urban, suburban and rural communities that this is not acceptable. We have to be a year-round Party in order to win elections and solve the problems facing our state.
The Resistance Summer project in Nebraska has a Grassroots Organizer in all three of our Congressional Districts. The Grassroots Organizers work with volunteers to talk with Nebraskans of all parties in order to understand what we need to do for the people of our state. Additionally, the Organizers work with Party leaders and allied groups to plan events Democrats can participate in to grow the party.
As Officers of the NDP, we are available to attend any of your county meetings or caucus events. We also welcome the opportunity to meet with allied grassroots groups. Our staff have a diverse set of trainings we can present as well to help grow the party and grassroots skills of volunteers.
Our Resistance Summer Goals:
- • Knock on 4,000 doors to complete at least 600 issue surveys
- • Call 6,500 voters and attend events to complete at least 400 issue surveys
- • Recruit 120 volunteers to help knock doors, make calls and engage with Nebraskans
- • Visit at least 5 County Party and candidate events in each Congressional District
- • Work with allied grassroots groups like Indivisible and Suit Up Nebraska to keep Republicans accountable
Please reach out to the Grassroots Organizer in your area to volunteer, their emails are below. We need you to help Grow the Good Life for All Nebraskans!
Democratically Yours,
Jane Kleeb, Chair
Frank LaMere, First Associate Chair
Tom Tilden, Second Associate Chair
Patty Zieg, DNC Committeewoman
Ron Kaminski, DNC Committeeman
First Big Weekend Canvass Results
We had our first national day of action across the State of Nebraska on the July 15th. We had great turnout in Omaha, Lincoln and North Platte.
Over 30 volunteers knocked on over 600 doors of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. We had conversations with over 133 Nebraskans resulting in excellent information for our Party and candidates.
The top issues that people were talking about were health care, taxes, and education. The majority of the people we talked to also disapproved of Gov. Ricketts and even more disapproved of him funding candidates to defeat those that disagree with him. We know that we are on the right side of all of these issues so we can use that to grow our party and make sure that we stand for everyone in Nebraska.
Summary of Questions and Responses:
“What are the three most important issues to you and why?”
- • Healthcare: 47%
• Taxes: 30%
• Education: 20%
• Government Integrity: 12%
• Trump: 7%
• Women’s issues: 7%
• National security: 7%
• Environment: .7%
• LGBT: 0%
“Do you approve of Gov. Pete Ricketts?”
- • Disapprove:41%
• Approve: 35%
• Neither/No opinion: 23%
“Some Nebraskans are bothered by how much money Gov. Ricketts put into the Nebraska legislative races. He spent over $1 million dollars last year to defeat even members of his own party who did not agree with him. What do you think of his behavior?”
- • Disapprove: 51%
• Approve:14%
• Neither/No opinion: 38%
Summer Grassroots Organizers and Weekly Canvasses–We Need You!
Contact the organizer in your Congressional District to volunteer, share ideas or get more information!
You can join the Saturday canvass to be part of our grassroots campaign to build the party. Some Saturdays we #KnockEveryDoor to get a good sense where all Nebraskans stand on issues no matter what their party affiliation is to help gather information. Other Saturdays we focus only on Democrats and Independents.
Additionally, if Saturday does not work for your schedule, we canvass and make calls on a daily basis and can always use your help. Just email the Summer Organizer in your area.
Emma Craig, CD1, Grassroots Organizer
Come to the weekly canvass on Saturdays anytime 10 A.M.-3 P.M. at Ridgeview Park, N 14th Street, Blair, 68008 . When you arrive we will train you and set you out for an hour of canvassing.
Ron Rivera, CD2, Grassroots Organizer
Come to the weekly canvass on Saturdays anytime from 10 A.M.- 2 P.M. at Ralston Park, 7700 Park Dr., Ralston, 68127. When you arrive we will train you and set you out for an hour of canvassing.
Brian Whitecalf, CD3, Grassroots Organizer
Come to the weekly canvass on Saturdays anytime from 10 A.M.- 2 P.M. at IBEW union hall, 3302 West Capitol Ave, Grand Island, 68801. When you arrive we will train you and set you out for an hour of canvassing.