Statement from Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb on Trump’s Outrageous Overreach
“Nebraska’s Secretary of State has a duty to protect voters’ data. Pres. Trump asking for voters’ social security numbers and other private information is an overreach and is a major red flag for Nebraskans.
Given the FBI’s current investigation into Russia’s meddling with our elections, this is a reckless move by Trump.
If Trump truly cares about the integrity of elections, our country would ensure all of our county election offices have paper ballot backups and updated election equipment along with partisan gerrymandering fixed and open polling locations on the weekends for early voting.
Nebraska needs a Secretary of State that protects voter data and stands up to partisan attacks on our democracy and privacy.”
Pres. Trump’s Election Integrity Commission is requesting voter’s data—all the way back to 2006—including dates of birth, social security numbers, military service, political party and voter history among a long list of other personal data.
The entire premise of the Election Integrity Commission is based on trumped up charges of widespread voter fraud proven time and time again to be false.
Even Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is requesting the information on behalf of Pres. Trump, will not hand over Kansas voter’s social security numbers.
Link to an example letter from the White House sent to Secretaries of State:[2].pdf