Statement on GOP Efforts to Abolish the Fair Electoral Vote System



January 9th, 2025
Contact: Precious McKesson, Executive Director


***Nebraska Democratic Party News Press Release for 1-09-2025***


NDP Chair Jane Kleeb’s Statement on GOP Efforts to Abolish the Fair Electoral Vote System


LINCOLN, NE -The Nebraska Democratic Party unequivocally rejects any effort to replace the current fair electoral system that our state uses with a “winner-take-all” model that suppresses the voices of Nebraskans.

The current model allows all Nebraskans to be heard, whether in Omaha, Lincoln, or Scottsbluff. The Republican push to overturn our current system is fueled by pure partisan politics and does not seek to ensure that the voices of our state’s voters are heard in a fair way.

The Nebraska Democratic Party will push back against and reject all efforts to overturn the split electoral vote model. The current system ensures that no presidential candidate can take Nebraska’s votes for granted, and this has resulted in all candidates, both Democratic and Republican, campaigning in our state and fueling national discourse around issues that matter to Nebraskans.

Let us be clear; all that “winner-take-all” would do is alienate Nebraskan voices from the national political conversations. To uplift our state’s voice, the Nebraska Democratic Party will work hard to ensure this bill fails.


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