NDP Response to Kevin McCarthy’s Removal as House Speaker


October 3, 2023
Contact: Jose Flores, Jr., Communications Director

402-215-1052, jose@nebraskademocrats.org

***Nebraska Democratic Party News Press Release for 10-3-2023***

Nebraska Democratic Party Response to Kevin McCarthy’s Removal as House Speaker

LINCOLN, NE – The Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb issues the following statement regarding Kevin McCarthy’s removal as House Speaker today:

“Republicans created a chaotic party and today was the culmination of that disorder. From Trump’s constant crimes to waging culture wars and taking the rights of women, they have forgotten how to govern. Today, Kevin McCarthy has paid the piper. He proved all along who he was working for and it was not American families.

Representative Don Bacon is responsible and part of the chaos. It’s time for all of us to stop the cycle of political pandemonium and vote for leaders like Tony Vargas who want to govern and put policies in place that help working families. We need normalcy again in Washington versus the constant chaos of the Republicans.”



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