NDP’s SCC passes resolution on hate and violence against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders


The Nebraska Democratic Party’s State Central Committee passed the following resolution Saturday on Hate and Violence Against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders:

Whereas, Hate and Violence against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders has increased over 160 percetn in the past year because of bigotry and false claims due to COVID-19;

Whereas, Nebraska Democrats denounce all Hate and Violence against Nebraskans of Asian and Pacific Islander descent;

Whereas, Nebraska Democrats have a duty to condemn all Hate and Violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; and

Whereas, Nebraska Democrats re-commit to being an accepting and diverse organization and strongly condemns all Hate and Violence against individuals of Asian and Pacific Islander descent

Be it Resolved, That the Nebraska Democrats stand against all Hate, Racism, Bigotry, Violence, and furthermore, Nebraska Democrats encourage all Nebraskans to stand in support of our Asian-American and Pacific Islander brothers and sisters.

The resolution was sponsored by Quinton Corwin, LD 24 and Shirl Mora James, LD 30.

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