Democrats Honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The Democratic Party honors Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy of fighting racism, giving hope to communities and his call for politicians to do what is right–end poverty, ensure a living wage, and access to health care for all.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is often called a Day On, Not a Day Off to embody Martin Luther King’s call to service.

In this spirit of service, the Nebraska Democratic Party is collecting coats for kids and food for families, you can help today:

Democrats are also participating in voter registration drives on Jan. 15 at Grand Island Senior High from 12pm-3:30pm and the Central Community College in Grand Island from 11am-2pm.

The poster below is from the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture’s collection of items from the Poor People’s Campaign when communities took over the National Mall with an effort to push for policies for working-class families. 

“We are on the path to justice for all Nebraskans, not just a few at the top. As one of the few African American leaders elected to office, I work every day to answer Martin Luther King’s call to end racism and to create jobs that provide for a family. For too long our state has ignored the issue of race while giving lip service. Today let us all commit to fully participating in our democracy to bring justice and hope to our communities as Martin Luther King called us to do over 50 years ago.” -Senator Justin Wayne

“The Democratic Party honors the legacy of Martin Luther King and we answer his call to end racism, ensure working people earn a living wage and that all Americans have health care. We still have a long way to go for justice, but we are on the path every day working for a better Nebraska.” -Chair Jane Kleeb

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