OK, we cannot ignore the obvious from this week’s debate between Sen. Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence.
A huge black housefly perched atop the vice president’s white coif and stayed there for an excruciating long time. It took the electric internet by storm — it is buzzing, if you will.
Heck, the insect even got a Twitter account: @MikePenceFly___, who now has some 150,000 loyal followers.
That and the fact that one of Pence’s eyes was red and exhibiting some sort of horrible distress did not stop the pundits from panning the debate, including Esquire’s Charles Pierce.
“History will remember Pence’s performance in the debate for two reasons beyond the fly on his head and the fact that something else appeared to be crawling out of one of his eyes.
The first is his absolute and obvious contempt for the two women — Harris and moderator Susan Page of USA Today — with whom he shared the stage. He repeatedly interrupted Harris; the Democratic campaign already was selling, “Mr. Vice President. I’m Speaking.” T-shirts, as well as Biden-Harris flyswatters. He simply bulldozed Page on the agreed-upon time limits. He wasn’t as grotesque about it as his boss was last week, but he left the rules in pretty much the same shambles.
Kamala Harris did what she had to do. Meanwhile, the hollowed-out shell that once was Mike Pence proved conclusively that it has been filled to its top with Donald J. Trump. If I weren’t laughing at the fly on its head, I might have found that sad.
Today marks just 25 days until Nov. 3. Please vote.
Kara Eastman bested Rep. Don Bacon in a pair of debates this week as she marches toward reclaiming Nebraska CD2’s Blue Dot in the Electoral College tally on Nov. 3.
CD1 candidate state Sen. Kate Bolz will debate Rep. Jeff Fortenberry on Sunday and Monday. Links to both events are at the end of this blog.
Meanwhile, Bolz received a HUGE endorsement Thursday from the Omaha World-Herald:
“In Nebraska’s 1st U.S. House District, this year’s election provides an important opportunity to advance one of the State Legislature’s most capable and dynamic members to service in Congress. That candidate is State Sen. Kate Bolz.”
Sign up for our 100,000 Calls Across Nebraska — starting tomorrow, Oct. 10 through Oct. 18 — when we will phone bank voters to turn out the vote for Democrats!
It’s easy! Sign up here!
The NDP has designed Voter Guides showing all of the Democrats running for office in all 93 Nebraska counties. We also include the ballot initiatives and constitutional amendments.
Just click here to find your county Voter Guide.
If you have any questions about voting, including how to register to vote or request a Vote-by-Mail ballot, simply visit the NDP Voting Center.
You can help us elect Democrats by writing postcards to voters!
We have several options:
Create your own postcards and we will email you a list of names.
Pick up a packet at one of our offices:
— The Lincoln office is at 3701 O St, Suite 200 and is open M-F from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
— The Omaha office is at 5418 S. 27th, Suite 6 and is open Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
If you are in greater Nebraska and want to involve a few friends, we can mail a packet with a larger number of postcards and names.
Sign up here for detailed information.
You also can write postcards to voters while we watch the last Presidential Debate. Sign up here if you’d like to join our zoom call during the debate.
Questions? Send an email to: gina@nebraskademocrats.org
Preston Love, longtime community leader and political advocate, is the Democratic write-in candidate for U.S. Senate in the Nov. 3 election. Love is endorsed by the Nebraska Democratic Party.
Voters can simply write Love on the write-in line and fill in the oval next to his name under the U.S. Senate portion of their ballot. READ MORE.
The NDP has started a series of Welcome-to-the-Party online events geared to new voters. We will answer all your questions about voting and how to get involved. You can type your questions in the chat or ask them live. Sign up here.
Make sure you register to vote and request a Vote-by-Mail ballot at the NDP Voting Center.
Please share the above link with friends and family!
Get your Biden and NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!
We leave you this week with a rendering by Clay Jones.
–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to: info@nebraskademocrats.org
Oct. 10: Hastings Biden Yard Sign Drive-Thru Party
Oct. 10-18: Phone Bank for Dems:100,000 Calls Across Nebraska
Oct. 11: Bolz-Fortenberry Debate
Oct. 12: Bolz-Fortenberry Debate
Oct. 13: Welcome-to-the-Party Call
Oct. 20: Welcome-to-the-Party Call
Oct. 22: Final Presidential Debate
Oct. 22: Watch the debate and help Dems!