Well, Gov. Pete “Gosh, My Daddy’s Rich” Ricketts continues to prove that his heart is made of wood.
Ricketts, who was born with a gold spoon in his mouth, showed again that he has no empathy or compassion for those Nebraskans in need by vetoing a pair of measures meant to help them.
LB08 could offer food assistance to another 3,476 households in Nebraska, said Omaha Sen. John McCollister, the bill’s sponsor. The additional aid would be provided through federal dollars and the latest pandemic relief measure would cover the costs of administering the aid.
LB306 would — horror of horrors — help poor Nebraskans pay their heating and cooling bills.
Ricketts launched an aggressive lobbying effort against lawmakers’ plan to override his vetoes by urging them to “stop this liberal expansion of state welfare benefits.”
Lawmakers plucked his feathers and overrode both vetoes.
It is worth noting that Ricketts’ marionette Sen. Julie “Yes, Master” Slama voted against both overrides.
Thanks to our great Democratic lawmakers for their effort in the 2021 session!
Sens. Carol Blood; Mike McDonnell; Machaela Cavanaugh; Tony Vargas; Megan Hunt; John Cavanaugh; Wendy DeBoer; Terrell McKinney; Steve Lathrop; Justin Wayne; Lynne Walz, Matt Hansen; Anna Wishart; Patty Pansing Brooks; Eliot Bostar; Adam Morfeld; and Jen Day.

In case you missed it, NDP Chair Jane Kleeb recently talked with on SiriusXM radio about the Jan. 6th insurrection, conservative myths and convincing the state’s Republicans to rethink their allegiances.
NDP leaders weighed in Tuesday as the nation marked the one-year anniversary of the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.
Floyd, who was black, was murdered when white police officer Derek Chauvin held a knee to his neck for more than nine minutes.
“We keep George Floyd and his family in our prayers,’’ said NDP Vice Chair Spencer Danner. “We must remember that there is much work to do to bring accountability in the names of George Floyd, Daunte Wright, Breonna Taylor, and too many others who have been killed.”
If you are thinking about running for office, we urge you to sign up for this GREAT training on June 4.
Join us as we walk you through the step-by-step process so you can hit the ground running.
The House has already passed the Equality Act, and now it’s up to the Senate to take a stand for equal rights and dignity, no matter who you love or how you identify. Add your name here and take a stand for what’s right.
If you are interested in helping write a couple of Letters to the Editor — or even a guest op-ed — over the next year or so, please sign up here to help us support Democrats and our ideas.
We can help give you pointers and show you how to submit your letter!
Help build the NDP and become a Monthly Donor!
Some 550 Democrats ran in races across Nebraska in 2020 and had a 71 percent win rate. Many of the services we offered those candidates were bolstered by our Monthly Donors.
Welcome to the Party calls have resumed! We are excited to cover topics like city elections, voter registration and the Legislature. We also will be giving our caucuses and councils the floor to talk about their goals and how you can get involved.
The next call is June 1. The topic: President Biden’s Big Plan, Part 1.
If you have suggestions for topics to cover, please email gina@nebraskademocrats.org.
Get your Biden and NDP swag at the NDP/Shirts 101 store!
The store now features some terrific Jomaha/Blue Dot swag!
We leave you this week with a rendering by Drew Sheneman.
–By Kevin O’Hanlon/NDP Communications Director
NOTE: If you’d like to receive #NebDems News via email, just let us know by sending a note to: info@nebraskademocrats.org
June 1: Welcome to the Party Call
June 4: “NDP Candidate Training: “Hiring Campaign Staff,” hosted by Sen. Carol Blood and other guests.
June 4-5: NDP State Central Committee meeting
June 5: Michelle Bates for Legislature Campaign Kickoff
June 16: Adam Morfeld for Lancaster County Attorney Campaign Kickoff