LINCOLN – By selecting Nebraska’s current Lieutenant Governor Lavon Heidemann as his running mate, Pete Ricketts demonstrated a commitment to continue the botched policies and practices of Governor Dave Heineman. In just the last couple of weeks, Governor Heineman and Lt Governor Heidemann have had to announce that taxpayers will have to foot a 15 million dollar bill for a failed privatization effort of the Foster Care system, a policy supported by Pete Ricketts.
Within one week, both Govenor Heineman and Lieutenant Governor Heidemann have stood behind podiums in the State Capitol Building campaigning for their next government job.
“The revolving door within the Republican party hierarchy is spinning fast, trying to protect those in power,” said Dan Marvin, Executive Director of the Nebraska Democratic Party. “It is disturbing. Even more disturbing about this announcement today is that the policy failures, costing taxpayers millions, are also stuck with these candidates in a revolving door. The only way to break this cycle is by electing Chuck Hassebrook.”