May 3, 2023
Contact: Jose Flores, Jr., Communications Director
Nebraska Democratic Party Submits Delegate Selection Plan For 2024 Democratic National Convention
The Nebraska Democratic Party (NDP) has approved the Delegate Selection Plan (DSP) to send delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, August 19-22, 2024.
The NDP worked with partners and party leaders across the state to create a process where every Nebraskan had a chance to be heard as we gear up for 2024.
To ensure fairness and inclusivity in the process of finalizing the DSP, the NDP opened up the draft of the plan for public comment during the 30-day comment period, which ended April 29th, 2023.
The plan was then revised and approved by the NDP State Executive Committee for submission to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for review and approval. Edits will continue to be made per the DNC process.
The NDP will send at least 34 Delegates and 2 Alternates to the national convention in Chicago.
Chair Jane Kleeb said:
“The road to the White House goes directly through the Midwest. The selection of Chicago as the host city for the national convention highlights how critical all the Midwest states are to ensure President Biden and Vice President Harris can continue to get the job done for America. Nebraska will do our part with not only sending 36 proud Nebraskans to the national convention but we will put in the hard work at the doors, community events and on the phone talking with voters to expand the blue dot across our state. Nebraskans are sick and tired of MAGA extremists and will bring our best Midwest-nice to counter the Republican Party of mean.”
Highlights of the Nebraska Delegate Selection Plan:
- Nebraska’s delegates will be apportioned proportionally across the state based on the results of the May 14, 2024 Presidential Primary.
- Nebraska is allocated a total of 34 delegates and 2 alternates. All of the Delegates, other than the five Automatic Delegates which are confirmed already, will be voted on at the NDP State Convention in Hastings, June 7-9, 2024.
The Delegate breakdown is as follows:
-20 District-Level Delegates (i.e. Democrats from CD1, CD2 and CD3)
-2 District-Level Alternates (i.e. Democrats from CD1 and CD2)
-5 Automatic Delegates (i.e. Chair Kleeb, Vice Chair Kaminski, DNC Committeewoman Ligon, DNC Committeeman Flowerday, YDA DNC Member Guereca)
-3 Pledged Party Leader & Elected Officials Delegates (i.e. statewide leaders)
-6 At-Large Delegates (i.e. statewide leaders)
- Nebraska is allocated a total of three DNC Standing Committee Members (one member for each DNC Standing Committee) which will be selected at the NDP State Convention in Hastings June 7-9, 2024.
- Nebraska’s five Presidential Electors will be selected at the NDP State Convention in Hastings June 7-9, 2024.
- Nebraska is allocated a total of three DNC Standing Committee Members (one member for each DNC Standing Committee) which will be selected at the NDP State Convention in Hastings June 7-9, 2024.
You can read the Nebraska Delegate Selection Plan here.