It was a hoot watching Trump get steamrolled by the U.S. Supreme Court this week — first with a ruling affirming the civil rights of LBGTQ AmericanS and the next putting a halt on his plan to dismantle the program protecting undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children, a reprieve for nearly 650,000 recipients known as “dreamers.”
Trump pitched a hissy fit, fuming and ranting and calling for new judges, which led the New Yorker’s Andy Borowitz to write this dispatch:
“…Donald J. Trump said that he would overrule the Supreme Court by creating a “Supremer Court.”
“Right now, if the Supreme Court makes a bad decision, quite frankly, you’re screwed,” he said. “The Supremer Court fixes that.”
Trump said that his Supremer Court would be a “beautiful, perfect court” that would make the Supreme Court “look like exactly what it is — sad bunch of losers.”
Trump said that the Supremer Court would be housed in a “giant, gleaming building” overlooking the Supreme Court, enabling the Supremer Court Justices to “look down at those pathetic little Supreme Court jerks and laugh.”
As for choosing Justices for the Supremer Court, Trump said that there were no Supreme Court Justices worth promoting, “except maybe Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas.”
“Judge Roberts is the beauty who gave us Obamacare, and Gorsuch is a total snake,” Trump said. “At least with Kavanaugh and Thomas you’ve got two terrific people.”
Nick Anderson cartoon
Juneteenth statement from Precious McKesson, NDP Black Caucus chair:
What is Juneteenth? June 19 marks the day that Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas — 2 1/2 years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation — to tell slaves in Texas they were free. Since then, it has symbolically become a celebration of the ending of slavery in the United States.
This day marks the end of slavery in the United States, but as history has shown, African-Americans are still as fighting racism, redlining, unfair sentencing, low wages and health disparities.
We have a long way to go for all African-Americans to truly feel accepted. In the past two months, we have experienced so much heaviness with the deaths of Ahmad Aubrey, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, James Scurlock, Rashad Brooks, and so many before them. Today we ask that you stand in solidarity and fight against injustices against black people and take the time to understand the importance of why Black Lives Matter.
The NDP successfully completed 93 County Conventions and our State Convention — all held online due to the coronavirus for the first time in our party’s history.
Delegates elected state party officers — including a third term for Chair Jane Kleeb — and state Central Committee Members.
The convention body also elected delegates, standing committee members and pages to the Democratic National Convention.
Five Democratic electors were elected, with our party making history by electing the first Native American (Ponca Chairman Larry Wright) and African American (Precious McKesson) to cast votes when our congressional candidates Kate Bolz (CD1) and Kara Eastman (CD2) also make history by winning these seats and electoral votes for Vice President Biden.
In case you missed it, The Democratic National Committee has released a new ad, “Descent,” to mark the fifth anniversary of President Trump’s campaign launch.
The DNC also released a memo outlining how Trump’s failed leadership has dragged America down, highlighting his abysmal record on a wide range of issues, including jobs, trade, health care, China, immigration, entitlements, and the swamp.
Vui lòng giúp Hội nghị Phụ nữ Dân chủ Nebraska chia sẻ thông tin cho các ứng viên tiềm năng về học bổng của Khu Quốc hội để vinh danh cựu Thị trưởng Lincoln, Helen Boosalis.
Ba học bổng $500 sẽ dành cho những phụ nữ hoạt động tích cực trong cộng đồng và chính trị tiến bộ của họ, mỗi học bổng ở mỗi Khu vực Quốc hội. Các ứng dụng được giới hạn cho phụ nữ Dân chủ Nebraska, những người: 1). tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông vào năm 2020 và sẽ học đại học, hoặc 2) hiện đang tiếp tục học lên đại học.
Thông tin ứng dụng có thể được tìm thấy tại đây.
Các đơn đăng ký phải được nộp trước ngày 1 tháng 7 năm 2020.
If you have questions, please email

We leave you this week with a rendering by Joe Heller, on the aforementioned LBGTQ Supreme Court ruling.
–By Kevin O'Hanlon / Giám đốc Truyền thông NDP
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July 6: First day to request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot for the Nov. 3 election
10 tháng 7: Huấn luyện Đội trưởng Khối: Tập trung vào Bỏ phiếu qua Thư