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Democratic Party Debate Watching Party

Tháng Mười 15, 2019 @ 6:30 chiều - 10:00 chiều CDT

Join your fellow #NebDems to watch the Democratic Debate. Swing Left Omaha and Greater Omaha Dems are hosting a watch party. It will be a great time!

The road to the White House goes right through the Greater Omaha Area. Let’s flip our congressional seat and beat Bacon. We can turn Omaha blue again. We did it for President Obama in 2008 and we can do it again 2020.

RSVP here.

Chi tiết

Tháng Mười 15, 2019
Thời gian:
6:30 chiều - 10:00 chiều CDT

Hội họp

The B. Bar 4330 Leavenworth Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68105