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HOLD for Nomiki Show

Tháng Tám 18, 2020 @ 2:30 chiều - 3:30 chiều CDT

My name is Ruthie Yankwitt and I’m the booking producer on The Nomiki Show. I’m reaching out because we’d love to have Jane Kleeb on the show during our DNC special next week. What is her availability Monday through Thursday (August 17th through 20th) at 3:30pm eastern? Which day/s would work best for her?
The Nomiki Show was launched in January of 2020. In addition to hosting the Nomiki Show, Nomiki is a contributor to the Majority Report and is a former national surrogate for Bernie Sanders and correspondent for The Young Turks.

Chi tiết

Tháng Tám 18, 2020
Thời gian:
2:30 chiều - 3:30 chiều CDT
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