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Buffalo County Young Democrats with NDP Chair Jane Kleeb

Tháng Một 15, 2020 @ 7:00 chiều - 8:00 chiều CST

Join us for a regular meeting with the Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb!! The meeting comes about a week before the release of her new book, “Harvest the Vote: How Democrats Can Win in Rural America Again”. Hear from Kleeb on why she thinks the Democratic party shouldn’t overlook rural america.

This meeting is open to the public, and we hope to see you there!

Chi tiết

Tháng Một 15, 2020
Thời gian:
7:00 chiều - 8:00 chiều CST

Hội họp

Kearney Public Library 2020 1st Ave, Kearney, Nebraska 68847