Tagihan prioritas dibéré status prioritas sareng umumna dianggap payun tina tagihan sanés dina perdebatan. Unggal sénator tiasa milih hiji tagihan prioritas, unggal panitia tiasa milih dua tagihan prioritas, sareng spéker tiasa milih dugi ka 25 tagihan prioritas.
Following are the 2020 priority bills selected by Democratic senators in the Nebraska Legislature. Click on the bill number for a full description and to check the status of a measure.
Sénator Getih, LB755
Provide for and change home services permits for barbers, cosmetology, and nail technology
Senator Bolz, LB43
Adopt the Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights Act
Senator Cavanaugh, LB1060
Include hair textures and protective hairstyles within the definition of race under the Nebraska Fair Employment Practice Act
Senator Crawford, LB1061
Change the Child Protection and Family Safety Act and eliminate a committee
Sénator DeBoer, LB1073
Create the School Financing Review Commission, add basic funding aid, and change adjusted valuations, the local effort rate, and certification dates
Sénator M. Hansen, LB88
Prohibit deductions of fines from bonds
Senator Howard, LB1144
Change provisions affecting the Public Counsel and the Inspector General of Nebraska Child Welfare
Sénator Hunt, LB962
Adopt the Nebraska Fair Pay to Play Act
Senator Kolowski, LB1188
Provide duties for the Office of Juvenile Services relating to education and change the definition of interim program school
Sénator Lathrop, LB912
Change provisions relating to examination of witnesses by telephonic, videoconferencing, and similar methods
Sénator McDonnell, LB963
Change provisions relating to workers’ compensation for injuries to first responders and frontline state employees
Sénator Morfeld, LB997
Adopt the Out-of-Network Emergency Medical Care Act
Sénator Pansing Brooks, LB627
Prohibit discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity
Senator Quick, LB840
Prohibit the use of electronic smoking devices as prescribed under the Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act
Sénator Vargas, LB1089
Require students to complete the FAFSA prior to graduation from high school
Sénator Walz, LB956
Provide duties for managed care organizations under the Medical Assistance Act
Sénator Wayne, LB1218
Adopt the Nebraska Historically Underutilized Business Program Act
Sénator Wishart, LB1052
Change provisions regarding the preferred drug list under the Medical Assistance Act