Here is a message from our Regional Director and Block Captain Coordinator, Ron Rivera:
Halo NDP Blok Kaptén,
Thank you for serving as a Block Captain. We cannot win elections without you! We have over 550 Block Captains across Nebraska, showing our incredible grassroots power. We want to make sure you have everything you need to be successful, here are some reminders:
– We brought on a staff person to help me answer your questions and get new Block Captains their packets. Meet Gina Frank who leads the Facebook Group for Block Captains. You can email She lives in Lincoln so can drop materials off to you if you live in the city.
– Join the FB Group for Block Captains:
– The August/September Canvass is focused on collecting Vote By Mail applications at the door, making sure everyone in the household is registered and that voters know critical vote dates (Election Day is Nov. 6, 2018). The small flyer you can leave behind at the door also list the statewide and Federal candidates with the link to see the full Democratic slate of over 500 candidates!
– Please complete your canvass of the 50 houses by the end of September, the earlier the better :)
– We mailed your Block Captain packets and it should have arrived to you by now. Inside your packet in the mail was:
-Welcome letter with instructions on how to return your data from the canvass
-Vote By Mail applications (you can also print more)
–Canvass Script
-Flyers to leave behind at the door (you can also print more)
–Voter Registration forms (you can also print these)
-We emailed your turf (i.e. the list of 50 houses assigned to you) alongside the script and data reminder.
-If you have not received your turf or packet, please email
-Our next and last (for 2018!) training session is on October 6th in 5 different locations: La Vista, Lincoln, Grand Island, Alliance and North Platte in addition to broadcasting state-wide on Facebook Live. You can RSVP on FB here:
When you finish you turf of 50 houses, please remember to turn in your turf or completed packet to us! This way we can keep track of how many doors have been knocked and how many contacts we are reaching out to in order to be effective in turning out the voters in November.
Ways you can turn in your packet after you knock on your doors:
– You can request access to our voter file (VAN) to enter the data yourself
– Scan jeung surélék aranjeunna deui ka kuring di
– Mail them back to the Lincoln office (201 N 8th St #210 Lincoln, NE 68508)
– Drop them off at any of our offices in Omaha, La Vista, or Lincoln.
Resource Links:
Full Democratic slate of over 500 candidates:
Voting info and links for VBM and voter registration:
Block Captain sign up page and training overview:
Quick action page for voters:
Thanks again for taking your time to be a Block Captain. Please let me know if you have any other questions. With your help, we can turn Nebraska Blue!