Mob-Boss machinations and more — #NebDems News

Well, here we are.

The nonpartisan Congressional watchdog, the General Accounting Office, concluded Thursday that President Trump indeed, broke the law by withholding military aid to Ukraine while trying to extract political favors to help him in the 2020 election –which led us to the whole impeachment thing.

Yet Nebraska’s all-Republican congressional contingent — as did the bulk of all Republicans — parroted the GOP-Faux News mantra and stood defiant. Surprise!

This was not lost on Nebraska state Sen. John McCollister, who has been bravely chiding fellow Republicans for supporting Trump:

Now Republican lawmakers are spinning conspiracies to make the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office look like some “liberal” rag.

Come on! Your kids will be embarrassed you enabled an administration so obviously corrupt.

Said Dan Balzchief correspondent at The Washington Post:

Being a Republican during the Trump presidency demands much. He is quick to anger at any Republican who strays from absolute loyalty and at times has sought to punish those who have. Few have had the wherewithal to question him, and they have generally paid a price. Their examples have shaped the behavior of others in the party.

Earlier, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had the articles of impeachment against Donald Michael Trump ceremoniously transmitted to the Senate for trial, where the GOP has declared that they will not allow witnesses to testify — apparently, the affair will be held telepathically.

Alas, our old friend, Esquire’s Charles Pierce took it all in, as only he can:

And yes, in case you were wondering, and as proof of her current pop culture “bona fides,” the Speaker of the House just inferred that the President* of the United States might just be the equivalent of a mob boss.

If this process sadly fails in the GOP-controlled Senate, remember that the next presidential inauguration is a year and three days away.

Tick tock.


Great turnout at the Democratic Debate Watch Party Tuesday in Omaha!

The NDP, Swing Left OmahaGreater Omaha Area DemocratsNebraska Demokrat Muda jeung Demokrat Perguruan Tinggi UNO jammed into the B. Bar to watch.


Speaking of Demokrat Perguruan Tinggi UNO, the group is having a forum on Feb. 1 featuring the CD2 Democratic congressional candidates: Ann Ashford, Kara Eastman, Morgann Freeman, jeung Gladys Harrison.

Forum bakal lumangsung ti 5 sonten dugi ka 7 sonten di Ballroom Student Center Milo Bail di kampus Dodge UNO. Parkir gratis sareng sayogi dina kavling anu caket. Kanggo diajar langkung seueur ngeunaan Demokrat UNO, buka halaman Facebookna di @unodemocrats atanapi ngahubungi Nathan Johnson, diréktur operasi, di atanapi (402) 350-7270.


Émut pikeun nyungkeun aplikasi Vote-By-Mail upami anjeun hoyong milih ti bumi dina Pamilihan Utama 12 Mei. Kami ngagaduhan sadayana tautan kana bentuk sareng tanggal pikeun pendaptaran pamilih sareng anu sanésna ngeunaan kami Puseur Undian.


We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at our State Central Committee (SCC) meeting, starting tonight in Norfolk.The Disabilities Caucus will be featured.

SCC nyaéta badan pamaréntahan NDP. Urang boga opat rapat SCC sataun, dimana Demokrat ngumpul pikeun ngalakonan usaha tina pihak nagara.

Démokrat sareng Independen wilujeng sumping janten tamu. Ngan Anggota SCC tiasa milih dina item agenda.

Meunang inpo nu leuwih lengkep.

And remember. Sen. Kate Bolz, who is running to unseat GOP Rep. Jeff Fortenberry in CD1 along with Barbara "Babs” Ramsey, is hosting a Happy Hour this evening after the SCC Caucus meetings.


Buku anyar Kursi NDP Jane Kleeb, "Panén Sora: Kumaha Demokrat Tiasa Menang Deui di Amérika Padesaan," will be released Tuesday by Penerbit HarperCollins.

Buku éta - dikerjakeun langkung ti sataun - nawiskeun perdebatan naha Demokrat henteu kedah ngalih ti désa Amérika, blok sora Kleeb nyatakeun parantos lami teu dipaliré sareng dipohokeun ku partéy nasional.


NDP milari Diréktur Keuangan!

Upami anjeun atanapi batur anu anjeun kenal tiasa resep, ieu cara nerapkeun.


Mikir janten calon? NDP tiasa ngabantosan!

Nebraska Democratic Party aya di dieu pikeun ngabantosan anjeun nganapigasi sadaya bentuk anu anjeun kedah file upami anjeun milari jabatan. Tim kami tiasa pendak sareng anjeun pikeun ngajawab patarosan sareng ngabantosan anjeun ngamimitian.

Ukur email sareng anggota tim bakal uih deui ka anjeun.

Baca langkung seueur di dieu.


Kami ngantunkeun anjeun minggu ieu ku Rendering ku Mike Luckovich, anu peryogi teu aya katerangan.

–Ku Kevin O'Hanlon / Diréktur Komunikasi NDP

CATETAN: Upami anjeun hoyong nampi #NebDems News ngalangkungan email, wartoskeun ka kami ku ngirim catetan ka:


Tanggal penting

17-19 Januari: Rapat SCC di Norfolk

21 Januari: Harvest the Vote book release

1 Pébruari: Forum Calon Demokrat UNO College Demokrat

9 Pébruari: Delegasi 101 Latihan di Lincoln

9 Pébruari: Delegate 101 Training in Grand Island (details TBA)

Pébruari 15: Delegate 101 Training in Gretna (details TBA)


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