NDP Response to the Nebraska Republican Party Event Featuring Failed Candidate Kari Lake

Pikeun ngabebaskeun saharita

5 Januari, 2024
Kontak: José Flores, Jr., Diréktur Komunikasi
402-215-1052, jose@nebraskademocrats.org

***Nebraska Democratic Party News Press Release for 1-5-2024***

Nebraska Democratic Party Response to the Republican Party Event Featuring Failed Candidate Kari Lake 

LINCOLN, NE – The Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb issues the following statement regarding the Nebraska Republican Party’s event featuring failed candidate Kari Lake:

“Today the Nebraska Republican Party proves how far they have deviated from the party of law and order. By featuring extremist and MAGA-darling Kari Lake, Republicans are showing us all they embrace election-denying candidates who not only failed their last election but just like Trump blame the loss on conspiracy theories. All this on the eve of the January 6th anniversary.

The Nebraska Republican Party is in financial distress because Pete Ricketts and his cronies were pushed out by Trump supporters. This fundraiser is a Hail Mary for a party scrambling to regain their footing.”


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