Trouble with tweets and more — #NebDems News

Well, start the countdown for Attorney General William Barr to get the hook from President Trump.

You know the drill: A cabinet official, appointee or other government official publicly questions,  criticizes or bucks El Presidente, Trump says he isn’t bothered by it — and soon after, they are out.

Barr on Thursday told ABC News that Trump’s constant tweeting about Justice Department cases “make it impossible for me to do my job.”

When asked if he was prepared for the consequences of criticizing the president – his boss – Barr said “of course” because his job is to run the Justice Department and make decisions on “what I think is the right thing to do.”

Earlier this week, Trump tweeted complaints about the sentencing recommendation offered by federal prosecutors in Roger Stone’s case. Stone, a longtime Trump confidant, was found guilty on seven counts, including obstruction of justice, false statements, and witness tampering related to the special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

Barr told ABC: “I’m not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody … whether it’s Congress, a newspaper editorial board, or the president,” Barr said. “I’m gonna do what I think is right. And you know … I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me.”

Later, the White House press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, said in a statement “The president has full faith and confidence in Attorney General Barr to do his job and uphold the law.”

For Barr’s planning purposes, the number for Two Men and a Truck in the Washington D.C. area is (202) 798-7649.


Speaking of displeasing the POTUS, Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of Trump’s former place of domicile, New York City, threw some serious shade Thursday on Trump’s preferred communications platform, the electric Twitter machine.



Salam taunan NDP ka Sénator Nagara badé dugi ka 11 Maret di Lincoln.

Tema taun ayeuna nyaéta The Art of Legislating.

Kéngingkeun tikét sareng tabel anjeun didieu.


Congrats to NDP Monthly Donor Melvin Luetchens of Murdock, NE, for winning two free tickets to the Aquila Theatre production of George Orwell’s” 1984″ next week!

We will be doing a drawing from our list of monthly donors for The Second City’s “She the People” show on
February 29, 2020 @ 7:30 p.m.

Not a monthly donor? Sign up. It’s easy.Nyawang

And it helps us elect Dems!


Upami anjeun atanapi jalma anu anjeun kenalkeun mikirkeun nyalonkeun jabatan, pituduh Nebraska Democratic Party masihan anjeun prosés léngkah-léngkah pikeun ningali kantor naon anu anjeun layak pikeun laksanakeun dumasar kana alamat anjeun, kumaha ningali saha anu ayeuna nyepeng korsi éta, kumaha pikeun file, sareng pamungkas, sadaya tenggat waktos filing.

Tingali Langkung Deui.

Tim kami salawasna tiasa pendak sareng anjeun pikeun ngajawab patarosan sareng ngabantosan anjeun ngamimitian. Ukur email sareng anggota tim bakal uih deui ka anjeun.


Komite Nasional Démokratik parantos nyatujuan Rencana Pilihan Delegasi NDP pikeun Konvénsi Nasional Démokratik 2020.

NDP bakal ngirim 33 delegasi kana konvénsi nasional di Milwaukee.

Délégasi otomatis nyaéta Korsi NDP Jane Kleeb, Kursi Mitra Mimiti Richard ngadaptar, Komite Nasional Ron Kaminski, sareng Komite Nasional Patty Zieg.

Tambahan 29 delegasi nasional bakal dipilih dina Konvensi Nagara NDP, anu bakal dilaksanakeun 5-7 Juni di Omaha di Downtown Marriott.

Baca DSP di dieu sareng ningali kumaha janten utusan.

Ogé, urang nuju ngalaksanakeun Delegasi 101 Palatihan di peuntas nagara pikeun jalma pikeun diajar prosés janten utusan.

That includes one next Tuesday, Feb. 18 in Omaha!


Join fellow Dems tomorrow in Omaha for a Big Blue Canvass to help Tim Royers, the candidate for the District 31 seat in the Nebraska Legislature.

Tempo inpo nu leuwih lengkep di dieu.


The Ninth Democratic Presidential Debate, hosted by NBC News & MSNBC Las Vegas, Nevada — in partnership with The Nevada Independent — is Wednesday.

Join fellow Democrats at a TV Watch Party!



Remember to request your Vote-By-Mail application if you want to vote from home in the May 12 Primary Election. We have all the links to the forms, dates for voter registration and more ion our Puseur Undian.


Kami ngantunkeun anjeun minggu ieu ku Rendering ku Chris Britt on the intervention of Barr’s Justice Department to reduce the recommended prison sentence for Roger Stone.


–Ku Kevin O'Hanlon / Diréktur Komunikasi NDP

CATETAN: Upami anjeun hoyong nampi #NebDems News ngalangkungan email, wartoskeun ka kami ku ngirim catetan ka:


See the growing list of 2020 Democratic candidates running in Nebraska!

Tanggal penting

Pébruari 15: Big Blue Canvass di LD31 di Omaha

18 Pébruari: Delegasi 101 Pelatihan sareng Demokrat College di Omaha

19 Pébruari: Debat Présidén Démokratik ka-9

20 Pébruari: Ketua NDP Jane Kleeb nyarios ka Holt County Demokrat

Pébruari 22: Big Blue Canvass di LD49 di Gretna

Pébruari 25: Debat Présidén Démokratik ka-10

29 Pébruari: Pelatihan Kaptén Blokir: Luncat kana Pilkada 2020!

Siga tulisan ieu?