Hello Democrats—we had a great Spring Meeting in Lincoln County this past April. Thank you Lincoln County Democrats and the local County Chair Terry Sigler for hosting a great event with the NDP team.
Resolutions Passed at Spring Meeting:
Two resolutions were passed at the Spring Meeting.
Unity Reform Commission:
The SCC voted to adopt the DNC Rules and Bylaws recommendations and affirmations of the principles of change the Unity Reform Commission brought forward to the DNC. The Rules and Bylaws report can be found here: https://dnc.app.box.com/s/79csf4w3qw0tuxk1csbydsbyvt75kebl
You can read more about the Unity Reform Commission here: https://my.democrats.org/page/-/Unity%20Reform%20Commission%20Report%2012.21.17.pdf
Minutes and Attendance of Spring Meeting Spring-SCC-Meeting-4-7-2018
Blue Bench Trainings at Spring Meeting:
Block Captains were trained by the Coordinated Campaign Coordinator, Emma Craig and Regional Director, Ron Rivera. You can check out all of the trainings we have done from Facebook live: https://nebraskadem.wpenginepowered.com/blog/block-captain-reporting-and-trainings/
Thank you to our Executive Director Eric for his work (and patience for all of us who do not know this tool well!)—he trained Democrats on using the VAN to create walk lists and targeting.
Local Party leader Bob Parker trained Democrats on how to use community service and dialogue to build the Party.
Upcoming Events:
Morrison Exon Dinner
July 20th, 2018
Konvénsi County
May 21st – June 3rd, 2018
Konvénsi Nagara
June 22nd-June 24th
We keep all NDP fundraisers and meetings updated on our NDP event page:
You can keep with us and many of the campaigns on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/NebraskaDemocraticParty/
Serve as a Block Captain:
We are proud of our new Block Captain program that is a critical part of our Coordinated Campaign structure to elect Democrats up and down the ballot.
Read about Block Captain program and sign up: https://nebraskadem.wpenginepowered.com/become-a-block-captain/
You can read all about the Block Captains and download the flyer that has the training and canvass schedule online. If you have questions about the program, Ron Rivera, is the lead staff person and can help sign you up or answer questions: ron@nebraskademocrats.org
Reminder on Listserves:
We send emails to the lists on key information, messaging memos and updates. Email ryan@nebraskademocrats.org if you need to get on one of the lists.
- SCC + SEC Members: nebdem@googlegroups.com
- County Chairs: nebraskacountychairs@googlegroups.com
- Grassroots Allies and Organizing Rapid Response: nebgrassroots@googlegroups.com
- Elected Officials: nebraska-democratic-elected-officials@googlegroups.com
- Candidates: 2018-candidates-nebdems@googlegroups.com