Hardly a week removed from issuing a public broadside against President Trump, Sen. Ben Sasse — true to form — voted in lockstep Thursday with fellow Republicans to advance Trump’s nomination of Supreme Court nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the full Senate.
“Ben Sasse showed his true colors again today, proving that he is nothing more than a Trump puppet despite his feigned outrage and public posturing against the president,” said NDP Chair Jane Kleeb.
Các lopsided 12-to-0 outcome set up a vote by the full Senate to confirm Judge Barrett on Monday, a month to the day after Trump nominated her to fill the seat vacated by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Democrats on the committee refrained from voting in protest to the nomination.
“We have come to expect this from Ben Sasse,” Kleeb said. “He is slippery and speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He does not deserve re-election. We encourage voters to write-in Preston Love who will actually represent the people instead of Sasse’s self-serving agenda.”