Fabrication Flurry and more — #NebDems News

We should all thank the “Deep State” and “Fake News” media, who were working overtime this week to gin up lies about our Exalted Leader and his administration.

As the POTUS has repeatedly laid out in great detail, those two scurrilous groups have produced a mountain of phony evidence against the Trump administration.

Let’s look at a few of the top fabrications of the week, shall we?

The New York Times: Inside Ukraine’s Push to Cultivate Trump From the Start

Reuters: U.S. career diplomats testify that State Department was misused for domestic politics

Washington Post: Appeals court rejects Trump’s attempt to withhold tax returns from local prosecutors, setting stage for Supreme Court fight

Associated Press: Trump administration eases Obama-era rule on coal pollution

The New York Times: Trump Serves Notice to Quit Climate Accord, as Diplomats Plot to Save It

NPR: Columnist Who Accused Trump Of Sexual Assault Is Suing Him For Defamation

The New York Times: Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

CNN: Pompeo has lost confidence at State amid impeachment probe

The Hill: Rand Paul blocks Senate resolution backing protection for whistleblowers

Reuters: ‘Straight up lied’: prosecutors blast longtime Trump advisor Stone in trial

Associated Press: Trump attacks whistleblower anonymity, but won’t utter name

The New York Times: Attorney General Declined Trump Request to Declare Nothing Illegal in Ukraine Call

Washington Post: State Department official says Giuliani was engaged in a campaign ‘full of lies and incorrect information’ about former ambassador

Reuters: New York lawyer is source of $500,000 paid to Trump attorney Giuliani

CNN: Donald Trump to pay $2 million to settle New York Attorney General civil lawsuit against Trump Foundation and his children

Washington Post: Book by ‘Anonymous’ describes Trump as cruel, inept and a danger to the nation

Where do they get this stuff?


On a related, gleeful, note, if you use the sliding tracker on the bottom of this Morning Consult link, you will see Trump started with a Plus 23 approval in Nebraska and now he is at Minus 4.

Nebraska is the ONLY state in the Central Plains (which also includes the Dakotas, Kansas and Oklahoma) that is at negative approval for Trump.

Our Block Captains, candidates and elected officials have worked every day to get our message out and make this happen!


If you’re looking for something to do this Veterans Day Weekend, join the Sarpy County Democratic Party and the NDP’s Veterans and Military Families Caucus in marching in the Bellevue Veterans Day Parade on Saturday.

They will begin staging around 8 a.m., If you have any questions, please contact the Sarpy County Dems at info@sarpydemocrats.org.

Also, the IBEW will host the Lancaster County Democratic Party’s Annual Chili Cookoff on Sunday from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the IBEW Local 265 Hall, 1409 Old Farm Road in Lincoln. Suggested donation: $10 per person, $25 for family. Proceeds from this fundraiser support activities to elect Democrats.


Join grassroots voters and members of the Nebraska Democratic Party on Saturday as we protest the appearance of U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham at a Nebraska GOP fundraising event in Omaha.

While the event begins at 5 p.m., the NDP will gather at 4:30 p.m. outside the venue, Champions Run, 13800 Eagle Run Dr, Omaha, NE 68164.

The GOP event was going to be open the press, but is now closed to the media.

The NDP will be protesting on public property outside the entrance to the facility.


The Omaha Star did a great cover piece on Sen. Nina Turner’s recent visit to Omaha for the NDP Black Caucus Fundraiser.

People are tired and have become apathetic with political candidates who continuously fail to deliver on campaign promises that directly address the unique issues of the Black community and marginalized citizens,” Turner said. “Another part of the issue is that we are in a generation that is several generations removed from the Civil Rights struggle in the trenches. So, many of today’s voters did not experience the overt racist tactics, the marches, lunch counters, and Supreme Court decisions, it is not in the forefront of their psyche and they have become detached in some ways from the original Civil Rights struggle.”


Korsi NDP Jane Kleeb was quoted in a New York Magazine article, “How Can Democrats Win Back Rural America?”

“I think one of the biggest problems that we are facing, and this may sound so simple to say, is that none of our national party leaders live in a rural community,” she said. “When you’re looking at a candidate in a rural community and you’re not from a rural community, you don’t see the path to victory.”


We leave you this week not with the usual political cartoon, but rather a song: a rendition of “New York, New York” — with a special Trump twist — aired on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”

Tingali di dieu.

–Ku Kevin O'Hanlon / Diréktur Komunikasi NDP


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