Press release: NDP’s Kleeb responds to comments by Sen. Sasse about President Trump

Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb responded today to statements made by Sen. Ben Sasse where he blasts President Trump.

“The obvious first question is will Gov. Ricketts, Reps. Bacon and Fortenberry along with the Republican Party condemn Sasse publicly for his words against Trump or will they sit by in silence showing Nebraskans they too share Sasse’s words about the reckless behavior of Trump?”

"Ben Sasse, anu gaduh sadayana tapi jempé nalika Trump gagabah dina jabatanana, ayeuna ngajauhkeun diri ti présidén. Nyarioskeun kecap-kecap ieu ayeuna, nalika sigana aman pikeun Sasse, moal mupus taun Sasse kakuping dina paripolah anu pikasieuneun sareng tindakan Trump. Pamilih tiasa nyerat-di Preston Love. Urang tiasa ngirim pesen ka Sasse kecap na teuing sakedik, kasép, ”saur Kleeb.

Latar: The statements, made by Sen. Ben Sasse, was published in the Washington Examiner which has Sasse saying the following about Pres. Trump:

  • Trump nyalahkeun réspon corona
  • Trump “kisses dictators’ butts”
  • Trump “sells out our allies”
  • Trump spends “like a drunken sailor”
  • Trump nyiksa awéwé
  • Trump sampah-ceramah Evangelis tukangeun tonggong
  • Trump has “flirted with white supremacists” 
  • Trump and his family “treated the presidency like a business opportunity

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